
"I had never heard that before," she responded when asked about when she learned of allegations Cosby drugged and raped women.

You don't sound like a conspiracy kook. You just sound like somebody who doesn't really understand what they're talking about. Thousands of Americans die of the flu every year. The reason to get the flu shot is that it significantly reduces the risk of healthy young to middle aged adults contracting the flu virus and

Actually the flu is that big of a deal. 21 kids have died already this season. Also, 6.8% of ALL deaths reported by 122 cities across the US were due to flu. In my city alone, 21 people were admitted to the ICU and are in a critical state due to the flu just in the last week.

wait so like

Why is spring?

Maru and Hana are treasures. Cats in general are treasures.

It says right in her last note that it's a suicide note. Her walking in front of that truck was not an accident, like her mother said. They're ignoring everything she wrote, just like they did in life. Goddamnit.

Yes, Virginia, Jezebel will be running on Christmas Day for your holiday pleasure! This is just a reminder that you can send us tips via email, tweet them to @Jezebel or tweet and email links about weird sex stuff directly to the special elf who's going to be spending the day with you! Or comment here! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

NOOOO PUPPY! I'm part of a local facebook group my dad's lady barber runs where people foster each other's pets/donate money to expensive vet surgeries/give extra beds and food/let everyone else know there's a stray dog in a parking lot somewhere and we are all giant crybabies who sob at each other over animal

omg. This is the exact same sad face I made when I dropped my burrito at lunch today. twinsies!

I'm trying to imagine laying upside down on the hood of my car. I don't think I could stay on it without immediately rolling/sliding off. If it weren't raining right now I'd go try it out because this looks like some bullshit right here.

Leaving out this story makes him look like a "cop killer" instead of a disturbed man on a rampage.

I won't bash these people and their obvious struggles. I extend no such courtesy to religion.

I blame Oprah for two of TV's biggest quacks and charlatans: Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz.

I see you are also a visionary.

Oh, I lost it at "We are all @sethrogen." Way to stand in solidarity with dick and fart jokes, Jack Trapper. Keep fighting the good fight.

No one auditioned to be a part of 1D. Simon Cowell saw they obviously belonged together and put them in a group. I do the same thing with my socks. We're two visionaries Simon Cowell and I.

Didn't someone once say that he who is wisest is him who admits he knows nothing? I've found, equally paradoxically, that, as a white person, I may contribute less to the system of racism the more I recognize just how racist I truly am.