
Right!?!? That’s my main point with having to “share a road” with cyclists. (Well, that and they want to be equal to cars until a stop sign comes along, then they cruise right through it!) One wrong move on their part and they’re dead and I’m living with that for the rest of my life. I’m getting a few (not many)

sigh. Again, NO. It depends on the state so maybe if you are a bike rider do your due diligence about state laws. And if you are only allowed on the road (some states do allow cyclists on sidewalks) then follow the traffic laws. Stop at stop signs, traffic lights, etc...

nope, the road is for cars, not little bikes that can’t go the speed limit or get even CLOSE to it. And also, I do resent bike riders who put me in the position of wrecking my car so as not to hit and (probably) kill them. Like I said, if you want to be treated like a car then you must act like a car by following

Oh yay!! A reason to talk about effing bike riders. It’s not the bike I hate, it’s the riders. “But But But we’re just like cars, you should consider us a car when you encounter us on a road” they say. To which I say when you can do the effing speed limit on said road I will consider it. Not until then!

You’re wrong.

Absolutely! Downplaying that shit and the whole “u don’t even remember the pain!!”. Yeah ya do—especially if ur bladder is fucked or whatever else that can go wrong goes wrong. I recently had a hysterectomy. Same situation. Most people were all eh, you’ll be fine. Nbd. Cut to me 8 mos later still recovering. Still

So instead of coming to the conclusion that men in general are so much, way, unbelievably more violent than women, he takes it in the other direction. He’s amazing(ly dumb).

Nice name ;)

Ummmm.... I assume you’re looking for an answer besides: she was diagnosed with a mental illness and is being punished for what that mental illness did to her life and the lives of her children, but it’s the only answer I’ve got. And it is the only answer that’s needed. Do you not know anyone with a mental illness? If

Yeah, I get it—it is just so unfair. We need better mental health services in this country. I blame Reagan.

So the judge agreed with the diagnosis, but she was still punished/sentenced to prison? :\

what is this from? I’ve seen it but my mind won't work.

Does anyone know of a decent pair of sunglasses that aren’t super dark? That one cld wear when it wasn’t blindingly sunny out and still see? The link to the sunglasses in this story are mirrored—not what the pic looks like-the lenses above look fairly light.

And what was the age your tes-tic-les were shorn??!

No. You are wrong. I could care less means I care, but there is less caring I could do. I couldn’t care less means it’s not physically possible for me to care less than I do because I do not care at all.

“...checking his appearance in every reflective surface and talking about when he’s president.”

I'm child-free too. I do not have any regrets.

‘most premium’

100% for traditional marriage!

It’s weird that Fallon is the only one without a drink.