
I just...I don't....WHA?!?!?! I, as a consumer, am being too liberal in my spending on healthcare—-is that the premise of this: "by forcing consumers to put more skin in the game. The rationale being that the more financial risk and burden consumers have to take on, the better their choices will be about how they

this is something I had to train my cat not to do—I was afraid I would end up smushing her on accident (which almost happened more than once). Not sure what the allure is with drawers—I asked her once if she was maybe born in a chest of drawers so that she associates drawers with her mama or something. She just

High- Internet-Five

You (and your friends) are very awesome. I think I'm in love with you. :)

Well. This made me think. I recently posted a comment on another article. After reading this article that post was exactly what this author is talking about. Although I can say I never ever thought of myself as someone who deserves a reward for being a "good white person", I can see that my previous post is me

Let me preface by saying I abhor the word, would never use it in any form, for any reason. When I hear someone say the word I cringe visibly and feel terrible just hearing it. If you connect the word to the history (as I do) that is the normal reaction, in my opinion. However, I know people (white men) who seem to

X a thousand!! I work in an all-male company (construction) and it amazes me the countless times I'm not taken seriously because I have a vagina and not a penis. It is frustrating as all hell and I am so very tired of it.

Fin. Perfect way to end this.

"Most men like girls who look crazy or sad, because what they want has nothing to do with you."

risotto: do you have a recipe you love? Share please.

But but but...they don't "believe" in organic food?? What does that even mean? And also, why do you not like organic food? I just think that is a strange way to put the fact that you don't want to pay for organic ingredients in your food—which is perfectly acceptable—but "believe" it...cuz it's real, man.

" If making that connection between the two offended people, I feel bad about that. But I think..."

in case this one wasn't said: "does someone have a case of the Mondays!?!?" (ugh—I made myself punch me in the face)

Jack would be proud!

There are those that will admit that they do not like Obama because he's black—-and I wish more people were as honest because it would make dealing with them easier. 'Well then, you're racist—I can't defend against that because being racist is YOUR problem, not mine, not the presidents.' It's the "it's not because

It isn't the only reason, as october271986 stated, Clinton was *hated* and c-blocked every which way constantly. But I think race is a definitely a part of it.

Truth. But we are not "post-racial" in any way shape or form. And Clinton was known as the first black man in the white house. ;/

I believe (now stay with me here) that the only reason HL pursued this moronic case is because there is a black man in the white house. I KNOW. shocking. There are people who made their life's work to stick it to BHO when and how and wherever they can. Now the Supreme Court upholding this shite...that's a whole

Just stop—you're dumb. Anyone who judges someone for a photo from 14 years ago and reads incest into it says more about the judge than the person they are judging.