
@John T. Haller: Okay. I don't mean to actually use .odt, since everybody at school has Office 2007 or 2003... no sense in adding a third format.

Oh, and on a sort-of-related note, the version of Microsoft Word that I am using can save as and open the .odt format. I can't tell how it can do that. Maybe it's an add-in or something, but I do see an option to save as .odt

OpenOffice, for me, is just dang slow. If they can lighten the interface, they would be well on their way to becoming absolutely awesome.

Aw man! I really hope somebody picks this one up, because Xmarks is one of my favorite extensions

iPod touch: I got a screen protector with a matte finish. Almost no glare, no fingerprints.

Bah... I would make fun of this, but there's really no way to do it in good taste...

I would do it manually, personally. Being a musician, it normally only takes me a few minor adjustments to get the exact BPM for any given song using a metronome app on my iPod.

VOTE: PowerPoint

@Meetloaf13: This was the case previously, but more recently, they fixed it so ads are blocked before they load now.

Right now I'm using Firefox 4.0b6, and I'm loving it. I've been switching back and forth between Chrome dev channel and Firefox beta, and I have concluded that they are both very good.

@jrgray27: It has one, but it's not nearly as easy to use or all-inclusive as AdBlock+ on Firefox

On non-smartphones, most of the contact entry forms will have "Add pause" in the options menu. Add a couple of these to have the same effect.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to turn on NoScript just in case (it's saved me from a javascript gay porn popup once already...). I plan on avoiding Twitter until you guys give the green light, but better safe than sorry...

I always prefer cash, but I don't mind getting a gift card to somewhere I would actually shop at (iTunes store, book stores... etc). I think it's nice that people are at least attempting to give me something I like, but I guess they don't really know that I like cash too...

Currently I'm using Firefox 4.0b6 as my primary browser, but I like Chrome too. They're both very good.

@1n73rn37_j3d1: I know wrong reply, but you read my mind. While I like Evernote, I like OneNote a lot more. I use it at school to take notes all the time.

The Lifehacker Effect strikes once again!

@DPortain: This assumes that my friends are terrible at picking movies, and, historically, they aren't. Although, I will admit that the "If they saw it, it's probably a decent movie" test is flawed... Replace that with "If more than one of my friends think a movie is good, odds are, it's pretty good."

Okay, good... I'm not the only one who read the headline as "The $3 iPad"

Other: Friends. Movie recommendation services are too prone to fake reviews and harsh critics. If my friends are willing to pay the $18 or whatever it is these days to see a movie, it's probably a decent movie.