
At College my roommate and I would go off roading in Vermont in his 90 something Corolla and fly past lifted trucks, jeeps and 4 wheel drive cars on trails. The looks we would get as we would pass them was priceless.

This is great! Sounds like I'll be visiting Europe in a few years. It's nice to see airlines competing more, I just got a $69 round trip flight from Boston to Las Vegas a few days ago from Spirit Airlines!

Moto X 16GB 2014 Bamboo on Verizon is selling for $269

Moto X 16GB 2014 Bamboo on Verizon is selling for $269

I have an Automatic and love it. Really makes driving my car a lot more enjoyable and intelligent.

I have an Automatic and love it. Really makes driving my car a lot more enjoyable and intelligent.

I feel like Volvo is great at this as well, a lot of people don't realise that the majority of Volvos on the road today are more than 10 years old and they still look really modern and compete with a lot of entry to mid level new cars today.

Would it possible for most humans to open a car door with the force of water pouring in, had they waited a few seconds longer?

I've been wondering why I have been waking up confused an hour early...

I've had an odd desire to own a BMW K100RS lately... It's just so 80's in a good way!

9.) Volvo V60

It doesn't even stay in it's own lane!

Nintendo CEO in a few months: "I have no idea why are user base isn't expanding."

Are you sure this is a Ford?

Does the Triump Scrambler use carburetors or is it fuel injected?

Here's what I love about the Ducati Scrambler:

Nice! I saw one in person for the first time the other day at the Progressive International Motorcycle show. It is oddly low to the ground and seems very long. How does it ride, is it fully automatic?

It seems to me that there is a serious communication problem with Volvo dealerships and Volvo itself.

7.) Elitists Who Don't Want To Talk About Their Cars

This is an extremely handy tip.