
Something i've never understood is why does the government or a secret organization have to orchestrate these things. All they have to do is let people be people and come in afterwards to clean up the mess and exacerbate the event to the point of mass hysteria.

I've just started reading the bible again and no i'm not a religious person but from what i've come to understand is that God seems to be afraid of what humans are capable of. He banishes Adam and Eve from the gardens of Eden because they now understand good and evil like God, which means he wanted people to live in

A lot of these gadgets they just got from MOH: Warfighter and now they're selling guns that were already in Battlefield 3. I will be getting it for the RPK and those neat gadgets though.

yeah that was one of the games that first came to mind when I was thinking about it

my password has nothing but letters and they aren't even capitalized so any other explanation?

yes thats what it does exactly

Now for a while i've had a problem with my Hotmail account (yeah I know, I don't need any crap about that) that prevents me from logging onto it or logging onto Xbox Live. If anybody knows what exactly the problem is, please tell me.

Where the hell did the concept of the government blowing up a city to contain an infection come from? I mean seriously I wanna know if its actually there in real life or some movie thought it up first. Its such an overused trope that its honestly sickening whenever I see it in any kind of horror movie.

I'd kill for a good dinosaur game especially a survival horror dinosaur game where you have limited ammo and you need stealth to properly get around.

The problems that I had with AC III and what I thought could have been improved or added.

LOL So pretty much only people living in Alaska are allowed to own guns.

Some of these designs for Undead soldiers are just pure genius. Its already got me working on how they would work in a game. Basically have around 30 in each group with six groups in total. The Sword warriors will be the captain of each group and be ridiculously difficult to beat. The captains will lead a group of

Is this game completely on rails? Is it supposed to be that to mimic the 80's or something? I'm not complaining just really wanna know because it isn't that bad of a design choice.

lol I was reminded of that too. It looks pretty badass

I seriously thought I was looking at something from metal gear solid when I saw this.

Ah sloths. Possibly the best animal in the entire world. They can't actually hurt you unless they fall on you. They take everything slowly even when it comes to finding a mate.

Its "western" thinking that makes people say stuff like statutory rape when they hear stories like that. I mean my father's side of the family is from Holland and they saw it as a tradition to do arranged marriages until of course my grandfather came along. The arranged marriages for my family back then was a matter

Me and my girlfriend love halloween to death but this year had to be the worst. The churches in our city have slowly started pushing Halloween out with their fall festivals. This year was truly bad since there were no Halloween parties anywhere, not even at the college. Haunted houses were instead replaced by those

Hmm definitely sounds like something that could be made just need a smart enough AI to comprehend that and we're good.

Why don't they ever make an Assassin's Creed game where you play as a character helping the Assassin Order without being an actual Assassin themselves. I mean Leonardo Da Vinci wasn't an Assassin (just giving an example). Heck even those who were Assassin's like Mario didn't carry around hidden blades. Edward could've