
@narf: Kaput?

I noticed this yesterday driving around LA — empty mega dealerships already collecting dust, tumbleweeds rolling around.

We won't be able to take that one in good conscience when the revolution comes. They don't run a hedge fund, an investment bank, a russian gas company, and don't smuggle cocaine in submarines as far as we know. Maybe we could just shame them out for a couple of weeks a year.

Before they rolled it out, they discussed this in detail at their meetings. They get blowback all the time and have to strategize. It's like the price of gas technique... make it soar to $5.00 and then bring it down to $3.00 to make $3.00 seem reasonable.

@Zeidust: They're getting so sneaky, these cheesy neuroadvertisers, that you really have to question things like this.

Did Cheetos put you up to this?

Alls he had to was get a friend to short the stock before D&T made their tumbly statement and he could squeeze the last juice out of this rotten banana.

Someone, offer him $100k for his drunken letters to the editor at The Economist and Architectural Digest.


Was Vivi the one driving the car that hit and killed a girl in Brentwood a few months ago?

Can we infer that the penis has also "been kept folded horizontally and vertically for a long time, causing rigid creases and folds"?

Can we swap "partner" with something else? I never know whether they're painting together, patrolling together, or fucking.


@smalltownwren: Tx Wren. Actually it's not fun for me right now. It's thrown me into a massive depression, and that makes me really sad because as the wingnuts all know, the only way out of a massive depression is tax cuts and the arming of militias.