Ujjwal Singh

Grace also encountered the first computer “bug”. A moth lodged between relay contacts in the Harvard Mark II; Grace found it and entered it in the log.

You think that’s dopey? Wait until you see my adorable little rawrasaur of spikeyness!

What are the odds we find out this person had died wandering too close to an unsafe area to also catch Pokemon?

Keppler now in position to examine Uranus

Something something heavenly bodies.

And it became a hit.

you made me laugh you bastard

He was watchin the feature film when he shoulda been watchin the trailer!

All I know is after the tackle, the perp gets up and the helicopter guy is ready to go fisticuffs. Straight up Victorian boxing stance.

Nah, it seems that way at first but the cop in the SUV had no partner officer. If he had gotten out, there was a chance the guy could have taken his car, GTA style lol.

So, over/under on how long it will be before robots are performing these tests on humans?