Ugg the Caveman

What are the chances for a game based entirely on the Naval Battles mechanics? Something like Sid Meier's pirates and I'd give you all my money.

This told Ugg absolutely nothing.

If you insist, Ugg play classic from band. Here one dedicated from band member who started band with us, then slowly lost mind to poppy seeds and mushrooms.

Ugg believe this song explains it well.

Ugg know exactly what happened before poster.

You denied privilege of reading any fanfic either written by Ugg or involving Ugg.

Ugg not forget this. You now sworn enemy. No caveman hugs for you.

Oh Ugg know. But Ugg also read books, and not like her character very much in the later books.

Like these other guys I wouldn't say the game is ENTIRELY bad. There are plenty of levels with old-school Hitman goodness. Problem is that every once in a while you'll have a level where everybody is out to get you and you cannot disguise yourself at all, or you don't have the opportunity to do much.

Honestly. The fucking train station is impossible without using up the instinct. There are literally 3 guards all facing in the direction of where you have to walk to go up the bridge, and they don't EVER falter.

Ugg still reminded of clusterfuck of BSG's ending.

It funny because Jezebel sucks.

Ugg find this article very racist.

Ugg just hopes half of the Daenerys scenes not involve her screaming for dragons' location

Ugg likes all sexy ladies in the world. Like Flight of Conchords song.

Ugg have army of amazonians. But must find number one babe to carry on Ugg's legacy in belly, so very true. Zombies not biggest fans of clubs.

It tough choices, but Ugg ready to make them. Won't be loved by everybody but keep safe.

This is so shockingly disgusting I have temporarily gained the ability to express myself eloquently and I have got to say I am baffled as to why somebody would write such a bastardization of a children's novel that brought nothing but happiness across a generation gap not seen in novels since the age of elizabethan

You not regret this. Promise to not let power make head fat. As long as you kill when Ugg asks you to. No questions asked. Prove your loyalty.

Club wielding neo-caveman more Ugg's style. If Ugg can wear white scorpion jacket and drive car while listening to electronica in noir fashion, even better.