Ugg the Caveman

Ugg not sure if want. While interesting to see show, Ugg majorly disappointed that Inspector's companion/travel buddy not black man ala Community's Inspector Spacetime.

Beaker favorite muppet of Ugg.

Ugg blown mind by video. Ugg never seen such wonder.

Fire not bad.


'twas Master Bran calling for me upon the chamber door

Ugg not even know how to spell flare apparently.

Here Ugg thought these images would have screen flair.

Ugg have huge crush on Daenerys.

Ugg about to get here and mention Ugg see GoT reference in 30 Rock.

Ugg can see it already. Mainly because Ugg travel to future. Here promotional email:

Are you my mommy? HAHA?!

If Phantom Menace good movie, Ugg 21 year old college student with too much time in hand to speak bad english for sake of character.

How Battleship take itself seriously if in no part of trailer they say

Ugg no stand Bleach. Not only ruin bright clothing, it also have head up own ass so far in smug state they feel need to have weirdly complicated asian name for fucking everything.

Ugg not about to say Ugg didn't ASK for movie...

Ugg think tagline/subtitle of movie should be

Ugg remember this like if yesterday. Us cavemen sit down, decide to play prank on spiritual cave elders across the tribes. Ugg point out that cave elders hate cavewomen because their spirituality prohibit rocking boat, so we decide to draw large penis on many cave drawings.

Ugg come soon as possible, will give opinion.

Not very long hiatus Ugg hear. Maybe month or two. No worries, NBC not put shows on hiatus if not planning to bring back. All they have to do is cancel Whitney.