That not Venus. That Ugg mother in law!
That not Venus. That Ugg mother in law!
Ugg commit to protect modern man.
Ugg tell you.
Ugg think Talia Al Ghul will be Talia Al Fired.
What Ugg sees, cannot be unseen.
Ugg like Underworld, cant wait.
Ugg rather pull out eyes than see Twilight Girl in other movie.
No. Ugg have professional job for child level intellect.
Does Ugg know unfrozen caveman lawyer? Who do slowyourroll think represent Ugg legally? Saul from Breaking Bad? Ugg wish, cant afford.
Ugg learn english. Ugg not complete idiot. Find job for caveman. Ugg now in Congress.
Ugg help with autistic kid. Man call Ugg great therapist. Like House. Only more grunts [if that possible]
Ugg has never viewed such beauty.
Ugg not surprised person with Rick Perry's video as last name not liking Ugg.
Rick Perry hate gays.
Ugg think beetles dance because they have shitty day and need to feel better.
Ugg buy book.
Ugg good friends with comet. Comet do what Ugg could not. Kill Dinosaurs.
Ugg not realize BioLady know more than Ugg of Ugg's home.
Ugg notices man a little.... OVERBOOKED!
Ugg not trust animal selling shitty car insurance.