Ugg does not need clairvoyance superpower to know this show will tank like the Cape.
Ugg does not need clairvoyance superpower to know this show will tank like the Cape.
Cavemen have stories about such anomalies. Ugg not sure what they called, but Ugg remembers hearing something like "Scary Shit in Sky" by Grandpa Caveman as he cried himself to sleep.
Ugg not recognize map. Why not everything together into one mass? WHAT IS THIS BLACK MAGIC?!
Ugg recommends you wait a couple of weeks and read new book Ugg writes.
Never heard of such a thing, but Ugg hopes it tastes good.
Ugg was born somewhere in Africa.... hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Ugg heard from a close friend who works on the show that the twist in Alcatraz is that the show sucks. WITH LENS FLARE.
Ugg has never been this grossed out since he saw mother-in-law singing. Thank Raptor Jesus that she was put in a casket, and buried underground never to be seen or heard of again.
Ugg enjoys Justified as much as Breaking Bad.
Ugg did not realize they had unearthed Ugg's mother-in-law.
Ugg believes this movie should deal with Lincoln traveling in time, seeing Twilight, then going back in time and finding the world is filled with hipster vampires.
As Ugg's birthgiver used to say
Ugg is insulted.
Legends were true. The great caveman of climbing abilities has been a tale passed down from Ugg's family.
Ugg approves of this message.
Ugg would recognize that ugly tooth anywhere.
Ugg predicts US will defrost his family members and put them on display.
Ugg doesn't know what bending Ugg would do. Either fire or earth bending.