
The title still seems to be correct after the update.

You may be reading too much into Occupy Gizmodo's post. He (?) didn't say that things should be that way, only that they are (in his experience).

So, you would prefer that Apple keep software upgrades suitable for units until how many years after they've been replaced by a newer version? Remember, hardware capability plays a big factor, so that means for the most part that newer iPhone versions would be limited to what the 3G can do, regardless of their

Hearted. The level of detail alone in your post deserves nothing less.

Thanks for the edumacation :)

As I replied to someone on the iPad App of the Week post, perhaps the apps are selected for their notability; as such, these wouldn't (all) be fit contenders for "best" app.

Maybe because these are the notable (not best) apps of the week? Just guessing here.

The rest of your points aside, I take exception to your implication that aFlockOfMoosen is "only" a nurse. Nurses do good things, like help sick people get better. Nothing "only" about that.

Hope they find her.

Exactly right. It's the timing.

It's driving me bananas.

Well, common usage does allow for a certain leeway. Vagaries of language and all that.

People with thick accents sound like retards? No sir, you aren't "speechist," you're just a douche.

Thunder Pumper? Really?

So, faster but looks the same on the outside?

Well done, bunny.

"singing fishing chanties*

Well, the level of similarity is beside the point (which is that Sichuan Fangguo has in fact shown plans of expanding to personal electronics). Further, I believe that color alone is not a strong enough differentiator. Imagine, if you will, a red/green/blue combination Sony logo used for a laptop that isn't made by

As someone said below, "Apple's beef with Sichuan Fangguo Food Co. is that they've registered their logo in 16 different product categories, one which included notebook computers."

All the rumors point to a larger screen (4.1" or 4.5", I believe). Personally, I think that 4" is enough (but YMMV).