This Vector does nothing for me. Now the original W8 design, that was something.
This Vector does nothing for me. Now the original W8 design, that was something.
A poor Douchebag will drive practically anything. His current girlfriends car, his parents (if he still has any) vehicles, borrowing another one of his douchebag friends ride, renting anything available at the local Enterprise rental lot, a U-Haul truck to move his douchbag inspired crap from one place to another, and…
@Electro_Boogie: You see, that's where we differ. I like normal car tests, not flashy BMWs Ferraris or Lamborghinis. The comparison tests between some smaller cars, wagons, or other types of real world cars.
@skaycog: arrrrg, you beat me to it. Anyway, here's a picture of Weismuller when he was older.
Well Murilee, you seem to have missed the entire point of this commercial. The Buick Opel was advertised as the "Brute" but did you notice who the person was at the beginning of the commercial.
Well, what do you expect with Eddie Alderman at the helm?
@Flathead Smith Prefers the Days of Danger: I was among the minority that absolutely hated that hack actor who became president.....
@KillerBee: Excellent reference. That was one movie that really made me hate the lead character. And if I can remember, it boasted an all star "B" movie cast.
I was going over this list for an upcoming post (of course, at another blog.... geez) but I have to present a theory behind the reasoning as to why the Aston, or the Bentley (listed as a Rolls Royce by the way), or the 20th anniversary Trans Am, were traded. More than a few ex-wives (very angry ex-wives) were…
@Fat Tire: What the hell is that thing, a cross between a Leopard, and a Tiger, or a Cheetah and a Tiger, or a Lion and a Tiger, or something altogether unholy?
We all love Aston Martin, and dream of owning one some day. But in reality, does Aston Martin need to survive, and will they really be missed if they go under? It will be one less competitor to Jaguar, Bentley, Porsche, Ferrari, Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lamborghini, and Maserati.
@Murilee Martin: Geez, with all these older cars beating my record, I have to start thinking about something from the 50's. Say a Studebaker, or a Nash, or how about a Henry J?
@Murilee Martin: Why yes, yes I did, and actually installed a fuel cell to boot. Listen up everyone who wants to run a 60's or 70's car, do yourself a favor, and ditch the fuel tank, and use a fuel cell, and run new fuel lines. It will save you from having a lot of problems.
@Murilee Martin: Ahem, usually is the right word.... however, the Corvair did just fine.
Nothing makes it more complete than a Chinese made Haier Air Conditioner. I can't say much, as one of these is normally hanging outside of my bedroom window during July/Aug/early Sept.
I'm going to take a stab at it, as all of these cars were highly disguised for the commercial.
@UDMan: Desirable. Desirable. Desirable. Desirable. Geez, get your fingers in gear.
Grand Prix(s) were very desirale cars in their day, making Pontiac one of GM's hottest divisions at that time. What other car company in it's day could boast the following in 1964:
@vaportrail: Simple and tasteful doesn't cut it in the car market anymore. Your 05 TL was, in all reality, a restyled Accord, and was losing ground to other competitors.
I wonder how much this is costing Ford. It will probably cost less with each subsequent episode because I predict that Jay's ratings will tank soon enough.