So, the Motoring Blogs are all over this thing. It's good for Ford as far as a "Halo" vehicle, and maybe it will generate showroom traffic.

Now playing

I forgot that I did this little number as well. Another question: What midsized GM car, not offered in the US, combined Chevrolet engines, with Pontiac Interiors, on a modified Chevelle body? Introducing The Beaumont SD!

I already linked this article when Ms. Martin highlighted the EOTW last weekend, but it deserves to get dusted off again, The Ford 7 Litre!

No disrespect to all the engineers in the house, but this is another example of over-engineering. Other than Europe, where else is this feature useful, and it's only when you cross the channel that it would be useful.

The 1955 - 57 Chevy Nomad wasn't much of a sales success, and it really didn't catch on with the car enthusiast community for at least a dozen years or so, but it became a popular car to 'hot rod". The Chevy Nova of the 1968-74 vintage sold well, but was a late bloomer in the performance car tuning crowd because of

@Turbineguy: Most average Americans (and once again, that excludes the rabid car enthusiast like the ones that populate car blogs) could care less about diesels, because they equate them with slow, smelly, and dirty trucks. Whatever momentum they had in the early 80's, it was quickly snuffed out by the GM Diesels.

@Ben Wojdyla: The owner of this jeep didn't want to take the time to try and sell it on the free market. Selling a car on EBay, or listing it on Craigslist is a nightmare. You get harassing e-mails, stupid questions, and nothing but lo-ball offers. It was much more convenient just to take the trade in.

There are only a few of these left in the world. Even though I despise Mid-Engined Supercars, this particular one ranks up there as a truly historic piece.

@Adam Maxwell: Congrats Adam. However, I wish you car was at least a couple of years newer so I could have kept the title of running the oldest car in any LeMons event for at least a few months more.

Well well well, Rusty has finally come out of hiding, and look, he found.... these. By the way Rusty, that's an Eldorado Biarritz, which means Fancy Pants in Cadillac Speak

After the beating I received this week about supporting clunkers, this is what you can do with most of them. Imaging a Maserati Bi-Turbo trailer, or a Vette Trailer, or a BMW Trailer....