It's time for my rant of the day.....
It's time for my rant of the day.....
S**T, I'm gone for one stinkin lousy day, and look what happens.... FuzzyPlushroom grabs COTD, with a comment that takes me by utter surprise..... and I can't even think of anything to say...
@SCROGGS!!!: Worst Movie Ever..... The creators of this craptastic movie are responsible for South Park, a whole 'nuther level of dreck!
@Skink: Ha, I was going to say that as well...
OK, Flame Suit on.... I really have absolutely no problem with the cash for clunkers program, no remorse for the $8,500 tax rebate program for first time home buyers, and I really don't have any problem with the new, government sponsored Health Insurance Program. Why do I support these things, knowing full well that…
If you want to see a Wartburg engine run (albiet, a newer version), take a look at this video...
@nataku8_e30: Ahhh, but the Safety Nazis (How's that for a tie in?) wouldn't let you buy a new car with the front end that opened...
@bmoreDLJ: Yea, whatever he said.....
The Smoking Tire, huh? Is Matt Farah that much of a star to torpedo an entire Web Cast? Couldn't they pick up (pun intended) someone else instead of giving this guy free reign to start another web cast?
@pauljones: You know, between the banning, and the fact that the entire Gawker Empire was on it's knees for the past 3 days, I've come to realize this one very important fact: Jalopnik isn't everything. I have my own life, and my own interest.
@goatrope: the not so big three has been doing this for some time now, starting with the summer of '05 with the "employee pricing for everyone" fire sales. Nothing new here.
Actually, I could take advantage of the CARS program, that is if I were employed right now. My 2000 Villager Minivan qulifies, and if I select an Escape Hybrid, or an Altima Hybrid, or any Hybrid, I would get $4,500. The trade in value for the Minivan is hovering around $1,000 otherwise. It has less than 66,000 miles,…
@maximum-sienna: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. There is nothing inherently wrong with Socialism...
To have someone do this to an innocent minivan. At least it could have been an older Dodge Caravan....
From what I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong), any left had drive vehicles in Australia has to be labeled "Left Hand Drive"
This posting needs to have a link to Jezebel. Lets see what their commenters think about it. (Hope I don't get banned for mentioning it!)
Hey, is it time again to remind all of you about the Obscure Muscle Car Postings again? No? Well, let me remind you again to go to CarDomain Obscure Muscle because the Cougar featured has a cool hood scoop.....
OK, time for a UDMan story about a car equipped with this horrid little engine. I was in between IT jobs in 1988, and I took a job at a Subaru Dealer selling cars for 6 months. I was salesman of the month after only being on the job for 6 weeks.... but that's another story.