Did you read your HOA rules and still decide to move-in? Well, then you agreed to follow those rules - even the ones you don’t like. That’s what keeps your place looking nice too and property values higher. Allowing some maintenance but not eyesores would mean writing rules detailing how much of which parts can be

Are there no photos of the actual victim: the mother-in-law? The articles keep showing Bernie and his wife.

Race organizers should try sponsored Poké Stops and drop a few lures throughout the day. They’d make a killing on selling overpriced USB battery packs and concessions.

Taking photos in public areas is legal. Parking your cars in the middle of the public road is not legal. The grey BMW is partially on the shoulder but the white Audi is in TOTALLY parked in the road and blocking the lane. The driver isn’t even inside (as the video continues you see him getting in and moving the car).

Both of them were wrong: Alex and his buddies are blocking the roadway while giant truck guy is being a giant asshole. It’s (as Alex admits) a PUBLIC road so using it as a photo studio is wrong and gave the giant truck guy reason to be legitimately pissed. The road is as much Alex’s photo studio as it is asshole’s

The CostCo/Kirkland is good stuff. The thought of saving 10-20 cents per roll using scratchy 1-ply is not worth it. I totally understand it for parks and rest stops where that savings is real money annually.

Don't skimp on toilet paper. Your butt deserves better.

Population density has a lot to do with ridership (so does tourism - New York & DC). So the real oddball in that list Atlanta because it’s relative low density but high ridership.

A big chunk of cost-of-living is mortgage. If you already own your house, then the rest of the cost-of-living equation increase can be manageable. For example, a retiree can sell their big house in the suburbs and buy a smaller place in the city and have no mortgage.

Probably because there are more low-income health care users in DC. Folks with no insurance tend to skip preventive care and go to the emergency room for primary care when their ailment has significantly progressed or there's a catastrophic event. That makes the care system inefficient and under-funded.

Yes and Yes!

Wait, I’m confused: are saying that heroin addicted parents are the best kind of parents? Because Consumer Reports is saying that Audi makes the best vehicles with “better than average” predicted reliability.

i3 goes 0-30 as fast as many sports cars (perfect for city streets) and uses much less electricity than the Model S (124 vs 94 MPGe).

Please enlighten me.

Sounds like your sipping a little too much of the hater-ade and have no idea what an actual toaster oven or its plug look like. This should help:

Is she actually 5 ft tall or only 5 ft tall while wearing 8 inch heels like in the photo?

“None of this seems like much of an improvement over the previous generation of the S4...it’s not much faster, it doesn’t come with a cool transmission, and you can’t get it as a wagon.”

I’m thinking it’s more uninsured drivers plus fewer reported accidents. They tend to go hand-in-hand. Car insurance is cheap when you don’t have any and the people you hit don’t report accidents because they don’t want their insurance rates to go up.

Should have gone for the full click-bait headline: “You’ll be shocked when two vehicles perform exactly how their manufacturer intended.”

A much better use of $4,500 would have been this Civic with enough leftover for new tire, seat covers, and an air freshener.