
This hypermiling shit has gotten out of hand.

“Oh hello, nothing out of the ordinary here fellow neighbor.“

Some men just want to buy the world a Coke.

I really think F1 should let go of the rule book. Give the teams minimum safety, fuel limit (and maybe a per lap limit like ACO) and watch the show. Ferrari is right in that they cannot demonstrate their product gravitas.

Sounds like Julie’s decision wasn’t very...

Pretty sure this isn’t how direct injection works

David, these vehicles are hulking piles of shit. I expect you to buy them.

like David was going to write anything other that Jeep stuff anyway.

They mentioned simulating a day of rain with the top off, but I don’t know whether that simulation was closer to Hurricane Harvey or a lawn sprinkler.

I live in a very nice suburb of Boston. We don’t have an HOA. And no one does anything that bothers me.

Maserati loves company.

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

Or more likely they coast guard asked if they needed assistance because the engine cover was open....

Yes, and I’m making a “can’t hear you” joke.

My point is, you’ll never need one of these...

Next that guy was enquiring about the Dana LSD

46 comments and no Always Sunny references? I’m disappointed.