
I would've too but I was busy trying to knock the cigarette off of the roof like a madman.

Can't be worse than the woman next to me at a red light several years ago. I sat there watching her as she finished smoking her cigarette, turned, and then flicked it on top of my Jeep. Burned a hole in the canvas and had to buy a new one.

How do you see the brand changing over the next few years in the way that it is marketing to potential car buyers? Do you see Scion being adopted by an older crowd and the brand shifting towards meeting their needs or do you think the the younger 25-30 year-old segment will be a staple in the success of the brand?


Really? Some people don't have a sense of humor...

We'll get all the tweets with that one! Right guys?! RIGHT?!?!

Great car! Clean interior!

Not enough power?! Just let me hit my sport pound...

Sport Octothorpe is also accepted.

At first you sit and you wonder what they're for, like half the buttons in cars nowadays even though they all do the same thing but every manufacturer insists on their own button-naming scheme because each and every brand is a pretty pretty princess, all very special and everything. One button says S/I, the other says

Tried with my other car and got 21-30% Jalop. Big improvement weeeoooohh!!

6-10% Jalop. A little disappointed but hey, it's experimental.

Caught one in Austin at November's Cars & Coffee. I liked it a lot.

Something looks sexy...

Something looks weird under the sill. Like it's been 'shopped.

Customers buy the cars they want. Dealers sell the cars the customers want. Distributors (Gulf States) sell the cars to the dealers that move the best. Manufacturers make the cars that the distributor needs. If you want something special, you can order it. If you want something that doesn't have any add-ons or come in

That 240Z. I must build one.

The account the video is from was created Jan 5, 2015. With only 2 videos on the account, one a bird and the other a ground-breaking UFO video, I'm calling this one a fake. Probably some hype-generator for a movie that's about to come out.