
I think that the i8 will be this century's EV1. By that I mean it will be a HUGE advancement in technology and people will remember it for that. However, the looks will age poorly because it was designed to look futuristic without any knowledge of where tastes will be later. Gas engines will still be a little more fun

Dog is not amused at the Thing.

That's in case he gets hungry while filming some extreme sports.


New VW Phaeton.

The rare Porsche 419.

Hey now! That's the same Rev. Peevlers that I've talked to before! I'm still waiting on my $2.5 million USD that he was holding in a bank account from an uncle of mine that recently passed...

At 12:40 in, he puts the car into 1st mid-slide in anticipation of a spin. Truly a man who is all too familiar with the sensation.

Never rally been a big fan of Roush's spoilers. The rest of the car looks fantastic though.

Not a big fan of the overall design, but I really like this window.

That is a painfully gorgeous brown color...

This will forever haunt my soul.

You know you're doing incredible speeds when the Ferrari tells you to slow down.

There are very few cars that strangers will stop you in to say, "hey, NICE CAR," while you respond all awkwardly, as there is no real response to that sort of thing, because what are you going to do, give a pilot "thanks" and then sit there being uncomfortable while someone grins at it ridiculously?

God I love me some toggle switches...

But Doug, can you hate this caliber of advertising?

We've found him. The original SLR guy.

I grew up flying Southwest so I might be biased. If I'm delayed (or cancelled, which happens 50% of the time) while flying American or Delta, I feel like they're out to get me and doing it intentionally. If Southwest delays my flight, I feel like they're doing their best and respect their decision to move the time.

There is a none more hatible person than Mr. RaFF.