
Having seen firsthand what F355 ownership does to a person, I have to say you're spot-on, Doug. I can't believe these things haven't depreciated down to $10-$15k, and that's coming from a 996 owner...

So McLaren in just 4 years has gone from making zero production cars to making five different models, all with the same basic chassis and all with the same basic engine (addition of hybrid technology and/or more turbo boost notwithstanding). I fear McLaren will face the Lotus problem. Lotus did the exact same thing in

Why hasn’t anyone mentioned the obvious yet? That one tire was 1.5psi off. Didn’t use a digital gauge.

Probably even possible with a regular C5 and a little elbow grease..

I honestly tried watching this live on Fox. As a European and car and race enthusiasts trying to find out what is so great about NASCAR. Biggest race of the year seems a good place to start. Well, I gave up after 45 minutes.

If you are thinking of importing, consider a Delta Integrale, I think those are within the US import window by now.

I firmly support this. I'd love to hear about the trials and tribulations of importing an infamous car like that.

Fisker Karma!

I tweeted at you from @CKFairbanks, but my suggestion is better explain in more than 140 characters.

or vantage for that manual!

Aston DB9!

...and if Apple made a bus, it would look like this.

Also, NSX in Pulp Fiction. Very 90's.

So basically this..

Having seen deep into the bowels of the Fiat engineering beast, I can tell you that new product will continue to trickle out.