I nap after my morning alarm, for about 9 minutes.
...no 18 minutes... I mean 27...
Okay, actually 90 minutes.
I nap after my morning alarm, for about 9 minutes.
...no 18 minutes... I mean 27...
Okay, actually 90 minutes.
I nap after my morning alarm, for about 9 minutes.
...no 18 minutes... I mean 27...
Okay, actually 90 minutes.
Poorly placed camera ignorant blind rage, I dub thee "retard rage".
You should actually be hating on YouTube's placing of black-bars (just so they can have standardized advertisements), not hating on someone for choosing the most appropriate orientation for the subject they're shooting.
A friend of mine won the lottery once.
Doesn't mean scratch tickets are a reliable source of income.
Just because it happened to someone, once, in one geographic region...in particular special conditions, doesn't mean it is likely to (or WILL) happen to someone else, with with different cooking, serving, and eating…
If you don't shit for a while after eating, you have worse issues to be worrying about than bacteria in rice...
Dyson dryers:
Unfortunately, even with that good advise.. teens still won't learn.
It's their hormone driven angsty arrogance. :-/
Copy and paste in linux:
The Sun Solaris unix systems (running X-windows) at my university in '99 would use the middle mouse button.
Definately isn't common anymore.
Uh... the poll is meaningless when offered AFTER you tell everyone what you already think.
Personally I don't tend to let other people (and news sites) think FOR me, but I've seen many people vote how they're TOLD rather than how they believe to be true, just so they can say they voted for who they think (or are told…
Is it less ethical than the airlines themselves creating an artificial class system based primarily on wealth? (Hint; rhetorical question)
That's a bullshit answer.
It's not an answer to the question at all.
Yes, wired is much more secure than wireless, but it's not an answer on how to SECURE wireless.
It's like answering "Drive a car" when asked how to remain safe when riding a motorcycle.
It's nearly as obtuse as those who answer with the "time machine"…
Do not reference religious texts as proof.
They're subjective and irrelevant to any/all real world problems.
(That is, unless you're pointing out how ridiculous themselves they are...)
Popularity means jack squat.
American Idol was popular.
Glee was popular.
Slavery was popular.
Popularity doesn't mean quality.
I terms of products, it just means marketing did a good job, not necessarily engineering.
"Also, the Note 3 playing 1080p video gets longer life than the Note 2 playing 720p video, so it is all good."
Not a valid comparison.
You're comparing two different video resolutions on two different devices. (And who knows if the videos are even encoded with the same compression, frame-rate, format etc).
For all you…
Get rid of the rounded corners!
They're a waste of margin screen space and make it look exceedingly fisher-pricey.
I have no issue with people leaving the MS camp, but why would to go to OSX? O_o
You're just supporting the problem, which is strong-handed proprietary (inflexible and expensive) behavior.
You could have gotten better quality for FAR LESS cost by switching to Linux (and just customizing the shell to look like OSX, if it…
I use the start screen, but only when in Tablet mode (Lenovo11).
If I'm not in tablet mode I usually use the device in display mode (laptop keyboard upside down on the desk, with the screen hinge closest to me) using a Logitech wireless mouse & keyboard. Then I use Start8.
One of the most rational, well thought out, unbiased and well written articles I've seen on the subject.
Never use a visibility setting with an audience greater than "Friends".
You don't control who your friends 'friend', and it's unlikely anyone would say "hey, tell this to your friends that I don't know", so there's little reason to ever use the "public", "friends of friends", "networks", "regional" etc settings.
Looks at article graphic, reads title....
Who wants to map their main menu button to play a game of Snake??
Fine grind is perfectly fine (ha, coffee pun) for french presses.
Ya just have to pay attention to the gauge of your mesh, and the pressure and speed of your push.
I use a grind that is on the fine side of medium-fine.
It kinda like a fine sand but looks slightly coarser than the "fine" on that chart.