2 replies

Technically I'm sitting in my car....

Usually when I open a new tab, Chrome is smart enough to open it to the immediate right. I read it and close it.
I pin tabs that are persistent pages, and again Chrome (being so f'in smart) keeps them to the far left.

"Is it okay to tell your kids they're smart"

I'd rather tell them they're "doing good".
Because today's smart could be stupid tomorrow, in hindsight.
And anyone ahead today, could fall FAR behind tomorrow, especially if they rest on their laurels on the basis that "they're smart".

Amazing what you can do with Cydia.
... (aka, nearly half of what you can do with any non-rooted Android. ;-p)


I've gone back and forth.

Yeaaahh, No.

Anyone else think the cop kinda looked as if he was intentionally putting his foot in harms way?

How to do the perfect pushup?

Walter Glenn.... you may want to check your second link there....

"Android Smartphones and Tablets"

Loaded with a custom ROM in 2010.


I was going to agree, but then I realised that instead of being a cynical douche it's better to give him props for being a professional, offering his knowledge without being one of the infinitum of anonymous internet pundits hiding behind a random userid and avatar, whose only skill is their ability to search GOOGLE

"In the end, there's actually no difference between the two beyond the size of the salt grains."

It's a bunch of ridiculousness.

Capacitors = battery (in this case)



Windows - Only when I upgrade to a major new version.