
The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely

“Build your own damn peripherals.” - Nintendo

There was a war about Unification Day and not one mention of The Serenity Valley. What kind of history lesson was this article?

Came here for EXACTLY this. Thank you sir.

“Somehow, a new player-created holiday became a story about conflict, betrayal and the disappearance of an entire civilization.”

So, they invented Thanksgiving?

As long as you have the option to scale it back to its original level, or it caps at its expansion max level, I’m OK with this. Soloing old content is a pastime of mine, and if I lose the ability to solo old content, I’ll be extremely unhappy.

We should just ask Claire Danes’s father-in-law.

He’s also written extensively on moral particularism. You have to be kidding me, show.

Wow - Clare Danes is married to Hugh Dacey from Hannibal - who’s dad is a philosophy professor. TIL! These guys really *do* do their homework

Kristen Bell posted a photo on Instagram of the ethics homework made by the props department, and of course it is hilarious and impressive the level of thought they put in making it fit perfectly for each character.

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s head on Tahani’s body. Or vice versa

If you have netflix, you can devour season 1 in 2 days like I did. It’s only 13 episodes, do it. It was more like 1 day.

Long answer: yes.

That's a great point. I never specifically thought of it either way when watching the episode, but you're definitely right now that I think about it.

"The replica, which initially instant messages, then talks to Martha on the phone, is self-aware."

This one pretty much wrecked me. While the situation in Entire History is more mundane, I didn't really connect with it. This felt like the best kind of cautionary tale, one where each step to tragedy feels plausible, emotionally at least. The first time she hears him on the phone is a killer moment; one of the

I love you more than the moon, the stars, the POETIC IMAGE #36 NOT FOUND.

I really loved the first half or so of this episode; until the Ash-bot was introduced.
The idea of only communicating with someone via chat/text (even if that person isnt real on the other end) really struck a chord with me.