
You left out the player griefing.

That doesn’t really hold water, though. In court, all they’d have to show is monetary damages. “Your honor, using the defendant’s hacking tool, a player is able to create near infinite in-game money with no effort. Here’s our selection of paid DLC that provides in-game money, and here’s the results of a player survey

Very good.

Yeah...not a fan of review bombing. Saying a game is absolutely garbage because of the absence of a *single* mod is to completely ignore 99.9999% of the rest of the game and then cast a judgement over it.

That would be like reviewing a game after watching ten seconds of opening credits.

While I think it is a douche move to take away mods from a game that is famous for its mods, this also is a perfect example how easily abused the steam voting system is.

“Sorry, I prefer this worse carrier, probably because I’m in one of those weird areas where coverage is much better for certain carriers.” However, he could’ve still resold the phone for extra profit. Nice of him to give it away. Too bad we have stupid branded phones with limited bands here. The international version

That’s dumb. As an AT&T customer, T-Mobile has a waaaay better service, provided coverage in you area is good (where I live their coverage is comparable).

It’s a give and take sceneario.
Like the Dunk competition at the All-Star game, where they give out the latest KIA to the winner because it’s sponsored by KIA.
Trust me, none of those players ever keep those cars or drive them, but they pretend to accept the keys because KIA’s the only one stupid enough to pay for the

Unfortunately sportsmanship still hasn’t been distilled into the majority of e-sports.

Thank you! FFS try to get in their good graces and get some sponsorship for your gameplay! There is also the good old “gift horse” saying.

There are a few things I think these competitors can learn from the actual world of sports: How to properly react and receive a prize from the sponsor so you don’t insult them and undermine tournament funding.
“Thank you for this, it’s amazing, I’m just in shock right now receiving this that I have no idea what to do

Why not just take it and give it to somebody that needs it? Every question in this thread is something a person with common sense would ask themselves!!! Dude screwed himself out of every getting a prize from them, ever again. He took the non-functioning trophy over a working phone that’s probably worth more than the

what about players who want those unlocks but dont want to bother with blitzball? i can tell you that when i played ff10 i thought it was complete rubbish and would have preferred if it had been a side thing that never had to be played. if theres a secondary way to get the same unlocks, sure. but dont make it the only

You’re a dolt. I said FFX offered up the worst possible side quests, but I didn’t decry side quests.

I think that you could keep most / all of the Blitz rewards as cosmetic / stat improvements limited to the Blitzball portion of the game. Maybe you earn accessories that help your team train their skills faster, or get cooler uniform options. And MAYBE if you beat a full league you get a unique armor set for the game,

Considering that the overall game was pretty shitty, I didn’t appreciate all of the extra time I spent in between main battles and plot sequences. That game knew how to waste time more than any entry in the series, and I’m including chocobo farming in this claim. Everything felt like a chore in X. 

I don’t know if I ever got far enough in X-2 to see their version of blitzball, but in X it enraged me that there were parts where you had to win a game to proceed with the larger plot, and that’s what bugged me. As a concept it felt fun, but a blitz game was--as you accurately pointed out--a time suck, and not a very

It’d need decent rewards but things that didn’t feel mandatory for the people who didn’t want to bother however i’d prefer a manager game because i think it fits the setting better than playing yourself.

how about dont? or at least dont make it mandatory or attach any sort of significant unlocks to it.

Pff just join us megaman fans, no worries of having to change series ever again.