How about we let people do whatever the fuck they want and the consequences of how others perceive them are theirs to own?
How about we let people do whatever the fuck they want and the consequences of how others perceive them are theirs to own?
Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad…
Is that white bread or pancake, though? I can see it working with something more pancake-like.
I really don't get why people call this game tedious. Even on my first playthrough, basic planning (Even in the Hinterlands) didn't make grouping quests difficult and there was only one zone that I disliked for it's invisible walls (Exalted Plains).
Great article.
Respectfully disagree with your... disagreement? As someone who is aware of the harm media can do in terms of altering public perception, I know that it does have the power to influence ways of thinking to dangerous degrees.
Interesting article. A few thoughts:
We will, because it is w/ not /w.
The sex wasn't the problem with that scene, it was the stupid "rave" that was going on at the same time.
Just as a general point; it's FAR easier to make "sex sexy" when you're drawing it rather than animating models and risking the uncanny valley. I don't think by and large it's been a problem with tone or setting, much moreso that developers simply aren't good enough to do it yet.
This game does not seem interesting. Like, I'm all for the sex stuff, but the content of the game, the weird Trading Places bit...I dunno. You want to talk about sincerity but the game is about deception at it's core? Seems weird.
Is Christine Love your friend?
"We talked about the second Matrix movie for years afterward..."
So instead of reading the article, you post? The plan to reviel info next year, with chances the console maybe coming in 2017, but likely 2018.
no i think hes just super entitled
I don't entirely disagree with that video's hypothesis. However, a lot of niche and mid-tier developers in Japan are showing how they can make games at a decent clip without breaking their bank developing for it. Sony really should have tried harder than just using it as a 'console gaming on the go' showcase. It…
Except no. Nintendo JUST released the "New 3DS" with the same look, but upgraded performance as the 3DS. Its essentially an upgrade.
I don't think the hardware is the reason why Vita is not doing well. The hardware is AMAZING. The problem is that Sony hasn't doubled down on supporting it. The 3DS was in danger of total failure in its first year before Nintendo doubled down and supported it bigtime. If Nintendo didn't do that, the 3DS would have…
"Deedlit was a female elf (who was actually played by a man...)"
I caught Record of Lodoss War late one night when I couldn't sleep. The Sci-Fi Channel used to show anime in its late-night line-up, and they were showing the first three episodes of the series. The first episode is an excellent hook, starting in medias res with the entire party going through an ancient ruins and…