Oh come on. What's wrong with playing Minecraft? It is a timeless game and nobody should be shamed for playing it.
Oh come on. What's wrong with playing Minecraft? It is a timeless game and nobody should be shamed for playing it.
you seem to think that when you get older you hit an age where you have all kinds of magical adult things to do. I hate to break it to you, but that age never comes. you stay the same dumb version of you and do whatever ultimately meaningless shit you can think of until you die. I hope knowing this will save you a…
I'm 24 and have no shame in admitting that I still have fun downing a 12-pack and playing Minecraft for six hours on a Saturday.
"The blue one looks cool," she said of the women. "The other four are similar, long legged, slender, mostly sexualized armor, high heels, lack of pants." She contrasted that to the men. "The male characters get to be short and stocky or heft gorillas or equipped with a massive power suit. You just don't see anything…
Desperate to hate her? More like excessively critical to call out her bullshit before she even spills it. Anita is a terrible hypocrite. She will promote one thing then later slam it for sexism and inequality.
Moreover, it's worth bearing in mind the obvious, that she's a feminist and that her view is that men and women are perceived very differently in society. "Equal opportunity sexual objectification is not the answer here," she said. "It actually isn't equal." Her view of how women are seen in much of society and…
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
If Anita wants women of all shapes and sizes, that's fine by me, but if she turns around and sees a woman like this guy and calls the game "fat shaming larger women", she can go fuck herself.
Super professional language here.
Going through her list, she called for game developers of third-person games to "de-emphasize the rear end of female characters," which she said after contrasting how Catwoman's butt sways in the third-person Batman game Arkham City with how male characters like God of War's Kratos have their butts covered by…
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
"Two, avoid violence against female characters in which there is a sexualized element."
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male…
"Have female characters of various body types"
1-7 I 100% agree with. Number 8 I don't fully see eye to eye with because at the end of the day, women can have sexual empowerment, there are entire sections of the feminist movement that talk about having control over your sexuality and that it is powerful. The idea that we could have that as a reality in life and in…
Lot of damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought Destiny really went out of it's way to make everything as neutral and lifeless as possible but she still found something wrong with it. Go figure.