
One Piece is king for a reason, has had great writing since day one. Naruto has dipped in quality and Bleach has been terrible for years.

You never liked One Piece? EH?! What is this blasphemy?!

A really simple example of Ludonarrative Dissonance:

I really don't think it's a commentary on disconnect between gameplay and story in modern games, or at least not trying to be. Pretty sure it's just a shock value sketch (And a rather tame one, honestly)

Are you just talking about the dissonance between casually shooting a bunch of bad guys, and still being an every man in the story? That's not really the same thing the sketch is portraying.

Better with Kinect

You know what really irritated me the most about this? Burbank is a reporter on Television, which is ALSO something people waste their lives watching. I just pictured someone watching his report and going "My God, he's right!" and turning off their TV and going outside. Does he not realize many people also escape

Oh right, I totally forgot I read about this guy awhile back:

Have you or anyone else tried the PS3 or PC versions? Any technical issues in those?

Of course, what I'd really like to play this on is my Vita, but beggars can't be choosers.

It doesn't seem too difficult to figure out whether someone's youtube channel legitimately has x number of subscribers. Most if not all youtube channels worth a damn have their email, facebook, twitter, and google+ listed in their "about" page, defending yourself is really as simple as checking that page. If you're

You seem really mad about this. Do we need to start up Dodgerollgate to ensure this kind of corruption doesn't continue?

Except you know, the roll in Dark Souls isn't really a roll, but a dive followed by a roll. You dive out of the way of things and then roll to get back on your feet.

This is actually correct. Dark Souls establishes demons and magic within the rules of the setting, it does not establish impractical physics for dodging as a rule within the setting. Man, I hate this argument every time.

The Dark Souls rolls don't involve slowly dropping down to one knee and shifting, they are a crazy dive that would probably be more likely to cause a normal human to break their neck than anything else. There was clearly no real intent to get away from the attack here.

You'll have to excuse me, my eyes just dodge rolled.

Except a roll would do even less. It would just make for more squish.

That's a great point as well. There's nothing wrong with someone who's an obvious enthusiast being annoyed by a common gaming trope, likewise gamers can understand the maneuver is more for show/gameplay than it is to depict reality.

It's stupid for that to be the nit he picks in a fantasy rpg.

Why does his criticism need counter-arguments? Why do we need to be like "OH BUT VIDEO GAMES AREN'T REAL!"

He's pointing out a common gaming trope in an effort to teach people something interesting. You can stop acting like it's come under attack.