I think because someone says that this isn't a "sport", we'd immediately get offended without even considering the classification's merits. Instead we want to break it down so we can feel good about it including it. esports doesn't have to be considered "real sports" by anyone to be recognized on it's own merits.…
True. Neither are poker, pool/billiards or darts.
E-sports are skill-based challenges that rely heavily on reflex and physical dexterity. You can certainly make the argument that those aren't sports, but then you'd have to say the same about games like golf, air rifle shooting, bowling, etc. Otherwise the definition is inconsistent.
No, he's right. Video games aren't sports, they're competitions.
I'm not jealous at all. Nope not a bit.
I liked Direct TV's way of dealing with the pirates in the 90's was to straight up wreck their gear by making it overload. Now that's the way you deal with pirates.
Sponge padding? Meh. He should have gone for velvet.
I clicked the website for his site...he claims those are unpainted Heroscape minis, I call foul.
Those are minis from a game called Dragonstrike back in the 90's that came with a VHS tape (unless of course the makers of Heroscape bought the molds and are making minis with said molds).
... I want this. I mean, for sale, as a thing. I want this sooooo much.
Unless I'm mistaken those miniatures are from the old (non)VHS game Dragon Quest, and if you had a copy of that game you know those miniatures are shite.
I would not call those things "people".
Hey, those are figures from Dragon Strike not D&D! I own that board game.
That's more of a Chaotic Neutral move.
Region locking makes no sense at all. Why stop consumers from buying products and than from having it work.
They would each lose if they were in each other's world. Mario has some pretty good powerups that make him hard to fight in his own world while Steve would have the terrain advantage in his own world. With diamond armor, bow, sword and a map that has a lot of lava and traps it's unlikely Mario would survive. All Steve…
"Hey guys, notice me because I hate something that's popular!"
found myself rooting for steve for some reason. Too bad they didnt let him make any more complex traps like camoflaged pitfall with lava or a suffocation trap.
What is it with people wanting everything from everywhere in everything else. These kinds of things are stupid. "HUEHUE SANIC VS MASTERBATECHIEF" No.
Not a hope will they ever include Minecraft Steve if the Wii U and 3DS are the only gaming consoles/handhelds that don't have Minecraft.