
I couldn’t agree with you more about the faults with Israel’s offering if I tried. We differ on preferred entrants (I tend to like the off-kilter or non-pop contestants), but I had raised the same points about the Weeaboo Chicken when I marathon-ed the contestants.

Cards fans love the Wild Card, it’s the only way their garbage team has a slim chance of sneaking out a big win. (I’ve lived in MO 18 years now, kill me).

“It all began when we started glamorizing individuals for adding nothing to society. We had decided as a people that it was more important to be pretty, offensive, or ridiculously incompetent rather than have redeeming qualities. Now be quiet or you’ll alert the Gestapo to our hiding place.”

The Ranger has the additional caveat of having several of their abilities become useless if you are not in their favored terrain or not encountering their favored enemy. Besides that a lot of their abilities are more flavor than crunch, having little in the way of usefulness in combat or in roleplay. Add to that their

Crispy Socks.

For some of us La Blue Girl was the most popular cartoon on while growing up.

I’m still devastated at the stealth removal of an overwhelming majority of the martial arts films that were once on netflix. It’s a pain in the ass trying to get some of them in the states without paying 90s dvd prices. Is it so wrong for me to love Fong Sai Yuk I & II?

The french fries are a smokescreen, the cure is in the hashbrowns. Those golden delicious hashbrowns that are very much not addictive in the slightest. I only ordered 4. An addiction would be 40.......... I can quit anytime I want.

That’s the Van Damme school of driving.

My story isn’t glamorous, or feature any impressive rigs. I live 5 miles outside a non-major city in Missouri. 70% of vehicle ownership in the city is pickup trucks. Over half of the owners have no need for said trucks, they just like lifting the suspension so they can have street legal Monsters.

My steam handle, which I’ve had for almost 10 years, is twilyte69. I understand this linebacker’s struggle.

I’d love a version for dinosaurs like myself that don’t own smartphones.

My question is if they were earbuds, wrap-arounds, or beats.

Might be worthwhile as long as you don’t acquire new powers via RNG battle resetting (Legend of Legacy).

Just give me a Raphael clone and I’ll be happy. Quick and weak, but can control the fight with proper sidestepping shenanigans (no, not the sidestep glitch/stepguard).

Interesting take on expanding cooking. To be honest, I think I will stick with someone else’s homebrew I downloaded that included roll-able charts for the finished product’s effects based on quality/rarity of ingredients.

Loved the game when it came out, up until the point I had to win a game of Battleship with 4 or less misses in order to unlock Maduin. Screw that. Put it down and focused on other games that don’t force RNG minigames for platinum.

Android Assault was my preferred CD game.

I just need confirmation on whether my preferred factions are included: Sylvaneth & Slaanesh.