
Back in ‘04 I decided to play through Neverwinter Nights and all its expansions in one long go. The days were cold and perhaps I could be forgiven for the way I rearranged my rig. I switched out my computer chair for a recliner, centered my pc under my computer desk, and comfortable rested my feet on top of the

Maybe it’s just my local Pizza Hut, but every time I order a stuffed crust pizza the rest of the pizza is paper towel thin and just as limp. Is this normal?


And here I was hoping for Earthbound on 3DS.

Zork. That is all.

No mention of “The Cat Returns” bluray preorder on the Ghibli entry?

No mention of “The Cat Returns” bluray preorder on the Ghibli entry?

whistles nonchalantly.......

The more I see, the more I am glad that I’ve waited on buying a ps4 until now. My limited edition Batman: AK bundle from GS cannot arrive soon enough (sooooo pretty).

No trackball love :(

Tried it 2 months ago, agree with your review. I mostly bought it for the nice bottlecap with the mascot.

This is exactly the reason I had to stop playing Darksiders 2 after an hour. I couldn’t read anything on the drops I was getting.

For the last several years I have had check reviews for new scifi/fantasy novels before reading due to an overwhelming presence of rape scenes and references. Sadly, I’ve noticed the trend for these scenes is more prevalent in works by female authors. At best it ‘fridges’ a female (sometimes male) character, at worst

Damn. This earned all the laughs. all of them.

Quentin Tarantino approved.

Instead of a new Spawn, I’d prefer an adaptation of McFarlane’s Haunt. Secret spy organizations will always be a bigger draw for me than eXtreme religious interpretations.

Every time I reinstalled the game I would enjoy the hell out of it for about a month, then ragequit when I remembered that it features forced pvp once you pass a certain level and that only the 1st 2 dungeons (Subway and Temple of the Three Winds) are not pvp free-for-alls. Add to that a shared loot system, being

Kotaku has been the #1 reddit/tumblr/twitter repost site for a while now. If it is trending and is even marginally related to video gaming, Kotaku will slap a quick paragraph or two together and try to gather clicks.

If it were Mtg, the card would be a an overcosted Leviathan or Whale with one ability that is situationally useful and another that is so horrible that it cripples the playability of the card.

Nevermind, I misread the fifth word in the title.

Needs an exploding roast chicken pierced by an arrow.