In my middle school sex-ed class (which was abstinence-based, in Indiana... I don't know how the teacher got away with even this small tidbit about consent), we were taught to fight through the "he couldn't have stopped even if he'd wanted to!" bullshit by using the following thought experiment: If the guy's mother…
You'll like this then. Charlie Brooker's take on Piers 'Blowhole' Morgan.
Ohhh the wedding ring shawl stories. I can see myself giving up exactly 5 seconds into an attempt to get started on that. I'm kind of glad nobody in my family knits, that way my fair-isle gets unmonitored ooh's and aah's even though it's not actually that good until I block the hell out of it
Going with Scottish royal names could've been interesting, but they also could've gone very avantgarde and used a Scandinavian name. The British Crown includes the Isle of Man, and Scotland has long since subsumed most of the old Kingdom of the Isles. King Magnus wouldn't have been bad.
Maybe they'll be more ambitious…
Well, at least there's been 8 Henrys, and not all of them have been uxoricidal (possibly the worst sounding cidal word). The Williams however, they haven't really been great: tyrant, potentially gay tyrant who died in a hunting accident, the guy who really kicked off the Catholic/Protestant angst with the Irish, and…
I love how this conversation about epidurals went down—everyone is like "Some people like them and some people don't, here's my personal experience, but you do what's right for you!" And you're all being super-careful to clarify that there's no judgement whatever you choose. It's a bit funny, because there's this…
I hadn't thought of that, but I bet it does help a bit to maintain an identity somewhat separate from the "Kate" seen all over the media.
Yeah, exactly. We had midwives with all three and homebirths for the first two; with the third, there were complications, so as per her training and policy, the midwife transferred us to a hospital and MDs until we were both able to come back under her care postpartum. Nobody advocates midwives/homebirths NO MATTER…
GPs probably do overprescribe antidepressants here because they see a lot of complex social problems which are very difficult to deal with under a medical model, and intensive support around them is expensive. But one of the good things about the NHS is that it will not provide a treatment if it is not proven to a)…
The bunny suits are usually only for c-sections where I live. You have to wear one in the OR for a c/s but normal deliveries don't have anything like that. And in many hospitals now babies room in rather than going to nurseries. It's kind of a movie cliche to see all the babies behind glass in the hospital nursery but…
I'm not sure about how midwives are regulated, but I think it varies substantially from state-to-state. The uproar about regulation isn't so much that midwives are regulated, but how. I'm completely in favor of regs that protect women and babies, but some of the regs are so rigid that it essentially makes it…
YES! Thank you. I was trying to remember where I read this and was about to start googling things like "oxytocin bad." I realize the article is posing this as more of a hypothetical regarding relationships in general, but the fact that people might actually start taking supplementary oxytocin thinking it's nothing…