
Well played, friend.

Here's the clip, but where's the gun? (If some idiot says it's for the revolver... (Insert suicide insult here).

Billy Ray Cyrus anyone?

Billy Ray Cyrus, anyone?

Hah okay

The Walking Dead dlc/season 2 , GTA 5 , Maybe WatchDogs and AC 4 , Also maybe State of Decay for PC and probably other stuff I can't remember right now.

Wait till the really good games come out. (Not CoD)


You would fuck me, wouldn't you, you freak!

The fuck, man? You fucking with me or what?

fucks given about the rating.

Look at all those idiots tagging Robert's face and not mine. I can make them feel better than he can.

Joel pls.

So... Do you wanna fuck after this?

I'm f*cking awesome. Don't listen to those f*ckers. 10 / 10 baby!
[I think they might know better than you]
No they don't ! I'm the bes—-
F*ck yeah we are!

Does it look like i give a f*ck?

Beep Beep.

Maybe...maybe... Thanks for being understanding and thanks for the cool discussion :)
