
Check out my other posts. You'll understand.

The only reason they changed back was because their new ship was sinking FAST and they needed to get this crew (the former xbox fans) back on board so they can operate the ship. It's all about the money. not the fans. (Microsoft way of thinking)

Why I said this is because what they just did won't get all those lost Xbox fans back with them because they haven't apologize properly. :D I know it sounds like a child's play thing to do but some fans are like that (Not me.. again.. pc gamer)

That's the thing. The DIDN'T admit that what they did was WRONG and it was a MISTAKE. They just changed without saying that the initial plan was a mistake in the first place.

This is the 100th time i say this. If they fuck up. you can't just simply go back to an idea that's already in use by your rival without an apology or admitting you did wrong and that it was a mistake in the first place.

Finally somebody who uses their brain to explain things correctly. You earn my star, sir.

PC gamer. You lose :D I like some Xbox and some PS exclusive. Relax :P

lol true :D

Mad fanboys. Mad Fanboys everywhere!

I support them WHILE having fun. And if you were to read some of my other comments and posts you'd get what I was saying a lot better :)

You win my star :)

Well yeah. That was the Joke. Because they were loosing their fanbase to the PS4 they wanted you back

Trust me. They didn't do this FOR you. They did it because of themselves. it's simple.
Less of you = Less of the MONEY.

Exactly! Thank you!

Insert Xbox fanboys here.

To each his own.

Maybe. Hope things work out for Xbox users.

Don't hate microsoft. I use windows so ... yeah.

So. Many. Angry. Fanboys.

U mad?