
Try again. The Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection launched without a hitch as far as I can see.

If I were to take a guess, I'd say most players probably never make it through more than half of Skyrim's story, if that—finishing it at all is a feat, nevermind finishing it fast.

I don't get why some companies are such dicks when it comes to fan stuff. Surely this would just benefit the games themselves as it'd draw more people in to play them.

6. R

yeah, it's his mom who says he "was unaware".
the same mom who needed his help to buy ebooks.

sounds to me the kid is the computer-person on the house, and mommy'll believe practically anything he says about the things.

Has to be posted:

Bah. I came here to hear all 251 cries AT ONCE.

Don't use a taser on him!

Now that the movie is a hit, they'll probably make an official one. If they do I hope they send this guy a couple of complimentary ones.

Mario is Resourceful...

CinemaSins made the video and if you don't care for Kotaku's gaming opinions, then I think you might be interested in a site called IGN.

"the scanlines look like shit". there, saved you from commenting about it. Note that if you're playing through an emulator, they're entirely optional.