You forgot one........ if your significantly balding, please stop trying to hide it and just go really short or shaved bald.
You forgot one........ if your significantly balding, please stop trying to hide it and just go really short or shaved bald.
Manual? How many miles? How much did the seller want for it?
This is a military test. When you can't afford bombs because you're not Norway, you must resort to dropping old Volvos on Denmark.
Your dad looks ... different.
I too shall Pro Cee'd with caution judging this car.
He does drive a FWD car for work.
"You've been racing for 18 years and completely missed my childhood.
That is a 2015 Brandon Kiehne guys...c'mon it says so right on the rear end. Jeez.
I just noticed those two cars have the same name, and couldn't me more different from each other.
It's more than 2 tons, even. It's about 5,000 lbs.
If you're bringing a 2 ton 4 door luxury sedan to a track, you're doing it wrong regardless of propulsion. That's nothing that needs fixing.
I never get tired of saying this. This is the fucking future, soft ware updates?! crazy shit.
They've opened up a clothing line. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can now buy overpriced brand-matching gear to a car that exists only in your imagination.
How #1 should have gone down: