
@dhuff: Nope...Ubuntu still has a long way to go, though it is the second best 'nix-based desktop OS to a Mac though.

@Truefire: My username is "Truefire_" for those who want to RT my latest on that....

Everybody hit Tmo's Twitter with a TinyURL of this page:

@reuthermonkey: Possibly, but they should just come out and say it. They're the only provider that doesn't.

@BacteriaEP: Indeed. They have the money and power to do so.

google much?

@sid9221: I see the perspective, but that is really horrible if that's the case. Apple and MS were at least momentarily successful because of such figures. Jobs is a rather mean person, but he has his hands in likely every department, telling them what they need to do to match his idea of perfect. Is he always right?

@Kiaza: Right, because they're cowards hiding in the mountains with guerrilla warfare. I say we just blow up Iran and be done with it. Women and children (checking under the turbans, duh) can leave.

@benjgvps: What are you talking about? BECAUSE there's a magnet it in it, other magnets can pull it off it's center.

@Xaoc: Reinstall Windows, start with SP2, then install SP3, then install additional updates and MS Security Essentials + Firefox and AdBlock Plus. You're not ready to roll.

@haxorknight: Well, it appears with the latest competition, the results would be the opposite. Toughbook hardware is improving whereas Apple is trying to cut costs.

@noobmedia: Yep, also an internet meme for the un-intiated.

@jayw: Hence why you shouldn't listen to gangsta rap?