
“Change the rule and don’t let any truck drive under the bridge. Make all trucks turn at that light.”

He reached out the day after it happened and before the article was even written.

Yep. If you play in classic you get the Incubus track, but in HD it’s just standard Halo music.

Not unusal for people to have PC and console setups. I’ve got a 1080 TI, Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. PC is for single player, Xbox is for multiplayer and the PS4 is for exclusives.

Most have 3 graduations. Spring, summer and winter.

Maybe if we’re talking about a teenage dog sitter, but this was a professional trainer. Being able to deal with situations like that seems like it should be part of the job. At the very least rush the dog to a vet for a proper diagnosis.

Why would you do that? Just play the game and you’ll get the skin. Worst case play a few rounds and buy it with credits you earn. Absolutely zero reason to spend real money at this point.

Amazon and eBay allow sellers to post whatever the hell they want. A lot of it is completely useless, potentially even dangerous, junk. It’s up to the users to decide if they should make the purchase based on reviews and information available (or not available). 

The word used is moot when the method (text messages in this case) is explicitly called out.

Even the article you linked pretty much says the distinction is almost moot, and is really only important to security purists.

On the contrary, Atreus is a huge asset. His arrows can cancel her areal attacks, and he can also stagger her enough for you to get a few hits in and do some real damage.

Do you game on the PC? Or are you just repeating what you’ve heard? Yes hacking happens, but it’s not a rampant as people around here would lead you to believe.

Not sure of OSHA applies in Canada. I would assume they have a similar set of rules though.

They have a couple of games in development, but they’ve been in development for awhile now.

I decided to give it a try (and love it) but I had to get rid of the old mattress myself. If it’s still usable you can try and donate it to a local charity that offers pickup. This is what I did.

I decided to give it a try (and love it) but I had to get rid of the old mattress myself. If it’s still usable you

What do the colors used in Labo have to do with the general color of cardboard?

“Averaging” is a stretch, but deals are regularly run on 256 drives.

“Averaging” is a stretch, but deals are regularly run on 256 drives.

Happy customers? Seems like the biggest benefit of all. After all, no customers = no money.

Yes, especially when it’s optional. I would pay $100 a year to play games that I know I won’t finish because of various reasons vs. paying $60 for each game.

It’s optional and in no way impacts those who choose to pay $60+ on each game. So what’s the problem?