
I never thought the day would come when the same shitty attitude and macho bullshit that made sports so unappealing to me as kid would invade my beloved video game scene, but there it us.

I would argue that most set The Order aside because it was perceived to be a long tech demo for the PS4. Personally I played it and thought it was ok, but at the same time I knew going in that most launch titles were just going to be short games to show what the console could do. Since this is the case with most

To be fair, step one in the hacker handbook is to change the email address. If they got into your account and changed the address then you would never know until it’s too late. Confirmation emails would be going to the new address. Not saying that’s what happened, but this is something pretty common with hacks like

Really? You want to review “the top” because of one player? The only thing you can question in this case is adding him to the team with his prior history (1 offense), but that’s it. He had two strikes and now he’s out.

The precedent you speak of is the nuclear option, and should only be used if the entire team is clearly complicit. Punishing everyone for someone else’s behavior (in this case) isn’t the answer.

Except there isn’t a lack of control from the top in this case. True, maybe he shouldn’t have been allowed back, but he was given another chance. And now he blew it and he’s gone, but you don’t punish everyone else along with him.

Why would you penalize the entire team instead of just the offending player?

I stopped playing for about 6 months because of the same, but the arcade is what brought me back. That and moderation. Try playing modes in the arcade with a character that you never/rarely play with. And don’t be afraid to browse custom games out there where people are just screwing around without competing.

Yeah, not going to happen anytime soon. You don’t like Blizzard games (and that’s fine), but just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s bad.  

It’s funny, I had an Acura that operated just like this in 2010. It’s data connection came from my phone, and only if I allowed it to. Surprised that they just didn’t continue this, but I guess the main reason would be the size of the updates eating through data caps.

You don’t really though. Everyone keeps talking about toxicity, but I don’t think it’s any more “toxic” than your typical multiplayer game. Yes people shit talk and occasionally you’ll get the idiot on the mic, but you’re talking about things that happen maybe 1 out of 25 rounds? Certainly shouldn’t prevent someone

“Its the biggest news with respect to players. No one was sure what they would end up doing.”

I think they’re saying (in a poorly worded way) that Anthem looks a lot like Destiny 2, all the way down to the design mistakes.

Example? And by “lowest common denominator” do you mean trying to appeal to more mainstream gamers, and not just the stereotypical gamer (fat, neck beard, lives with mom, etc.)?

The 970 is more expensive because of supply and demand. 3 - 4 years ago the 970 was the best mid-range card you could get and it only cost $400. The same price as a PS4 and cheaper than the XB1 when it was released, and significantly more powerful.

Don’t think you know what bleeding edge is. That processor is almost 5 years old and that graphics card is at least 3. Was never “bleeding edge” but a decent 5+ year build. Bleeding edge is an i9 with a GTX Titian or something similar.

You program for the mainstream, and 2K and 4K are just now becoming mainstream in PC gaming. In 2007 most PC gamers were just getting to 1080p. Yes 2K was available, but those monitors were cost prohibitive for most.

Considering the fact that 4K TVs are just now taking off and 720p was still the standard when some of these games were released, higher res texture packs would have been a waste. Especially considering that for the 360 ME2 and 3 were on multiple discs already.

No, because minorities simply want to be treated as equals. Having the same “rights and privileges” on paper doesn’t mean anything when the numbers are stacked against you simply because of the color of your skin or your place of origin.

Most of them just want a place where white people don’t have to succumb to diversity.