
Organization != Nanny State

Better this than release a broken/incomplete game. I respect a company that would take a PR hit like this and release a solid product later vs. one that would just release a bunch of crap and collect the money.

There are no “victims” to blame here. What you’re describing is poor self control, which isn’t a mental illness but lack of a learned behavior. While the boxes themselves may be up for debate, If someone were to spend $1,000 on loot boxes I’m certainly not going to blame the publisher/developer because they “tricked”

People with gambling additions generally aren’t drawn to things like this. There are no stakes. You buy it and you get it. That’s it.

Licensing costs?

Licensing costs?

HDBaseT. Takes care of USB and HDMI all over one Cat6 cable.

Insult me all you want, but I’m the one who gets how the world works here. Have fun ripping off others work and passing it off as your own, since you think it’s OK to do that.

You can’t “steal” what’s already yours.

Tracer’s pose didn’t fit her character. If what you’re getting at were true, Widowmaker wouldn’t even exist in the game.

We’re in an age where kids have smartphones that have equal or greater access to what Nintendo is (theoretically) trying to shield children from. PSN and XBL are ripe with trolls and the like, but so is the internet in general. Not including voice chat based on that reasoning is just stupid, so I’m personally more

I know several people who have found jobs using it. I agree it can be annoying, but for a lot of people it pays off.

You probably already carry a device around with you 24/7 that’s signed into even more invasive social media apps that do nothing but disseminate your personal information.

You probably already carry a device around with you 24/7 that’s signed into even more invasive social media apps

It did up until AC3, at which point any sense of cohesion went out the window. It’s like they cared more about pumping out AC games instead of building the story. Or they pumped out games so fast they couldn’t build a story.

This seems to be the trend I see with people I know as well. Old TV starts dying, so they go out and buy a 4K TV. TV is great, but they don’t see the need (or want to spend the money) to upgrade everything else (Receiver, BD Player, game console, etc.) to 4K.

What has the author said that requires someone to actually use it? He didn’t say anything about sound or build quality. Just discussing the spec sheet that everyone has access to.

See my other responses to earthcharlie for the “truth” I’m defending. Bottom line, Apple is positioning this as a competitor to Sonos, and Home/Echo devices while being more expensive and offering significantly less features. If you’re looking for a good speaker that has Siri built in, then sure. But that’s about it.

Yes, but isn’t that only if you opt in? I know that I can change a setting that allows me (and thus Amazon) to see and hear my previous commands in the App. But I had to explicitly enable that as part of some “enhancement” type program. And most people probably select yes in the initial setup when it prompts them.

The the price becomes ridiculous when you compare the feature set of all 3. That said, at this point it’s all software. The hardware (speaker) is there. Apple could easily remedy the things that are missing and justify the price, but based on the info we have right now $349 is a bit much.

I mean, he told the truth. And it’s kinda par for the course for Apple. It’s not unusual for them to release products after everyone else, that are more expensive and have less features. Not bashing, just the way it’s been lately.

Considering how common and useful setting a timer is, the addition is one that should’ve been available since Alexa’s inception.