Exactly. Glad someone else realizes this.
Exactly. Glad someone else realizes this.
The majority don't, but that goes for PC users as well.
I can see how the teleport ability would cause problems, but I'm all for the hacker ability. Disabling jet-packs in midair (and watching them plummet to their death), or turning someone's sentry against them? Yes please.
"Best" is relative, and most of those games are excellent and have the scores and sales to back them up. Just because your favorite didn't make the cut doesn't make the list any less valid.
How is Steam leaving Windows 8 behind? I use Steam on Windows 8 just fine, and I haven't had a game that I can't run yet.
Seems like it's account specific. I can't access my cloud saves, but my roommate can.
That's more life in general than Wall Street.
My friend and I share Amazon Prime, HBO Go, Neftlix and Hulu accounts. I put him down as a family member on my Prime account so he gets all the benefits minus video, and I get access to his HBO, Netflix and Hulu accounts in return. Win win for us.
So is speeding, and yet...
"it's commonplace. Get over it."
And what version of OS X is your "substantially" upgraded G5 running?
Too logical.
"Decent" is relative and depends on your overall goal. For me, a "decent" tablet is something along the lines of a surface pro, or a tablet running a full OS.
Companies change their TOS without any customer/user interaction every day. Nothing new. Why all the sudden do people feel that they should be involved in that process?
Says the one with a burner account. If you're not afraid, why not use your FB or Google account?
Still the parents job to help kids interpret and filter out the more negative elements of society.
And that somehow makes it OK? Regardless of how benign it may seem, he's still releasing people's personal information.
As a Verizon customer, you're dead wrong. Am I upset that the info was in plain text, sure but I'm even more upset at this tool for leaking the data. And to be honest, I really wouldn't be as upset if he weren't doing it (like all these other hackers) under the false pretense of protecting the consumer. Compromising…
Battery life is one of the main reasons I keep my kindle around. It can go for weeks, if not months on a single charge.
It's called a stereotype. They're intended to be sweeping generalizations.