So much old! I love great stories, but man I don't even know if I want to attempt a game as gruelling and out-dated as System Shock 2. You really think nothing more modern has had better narrative?
So much old! I love great stories, but man I don't even know if I want to attempt a game as gruelling and out-dated as System Shock 2. You really think nothing more modern has had better narrative?
Just a couple of points. As someone from the UK, I think you're forgetting that everyone worldwide votes on the sale, and they won't necessarily have had those games as cheap in their country (especially with regards to Amazon US, it does way more and better video game deals than Amazon UK, plus is the only Amazon…
I am glad you were right, played it for 3 hours this evening after getting it. Even better game than I thought it would be :D.
I got the collection, especially because I wanted to play Anniversary (remake of the first game), figuring it was a good starting point for the previous games, and you can't buy it separately as far as I can see.
That's awesome, I wish I did know which games so I could congratulate you. Assuming they are games I've played ofc.
I think that's a fair point, it is a shame there aren't any female protagonists. As a male, I'm pretty disappointed they couldn't put someone female in there. But GTA games have always been male dominated, and whether that's an accurate depiction of the worlds they seek to reflect, I'm not sure since I don't know…
Tbf the video game community is one of the worst I've seen on the internet. But the fact we're having this conversation goes to show there are plenty of people that aren't like that. It's a shame that's not acknowledged.
I think they're a little bit cheaper when at their cheapest separately, but that's providing my maths is right.
It's quite a cool concept, and the style is quite nice. But the actual gameplay was pretty mediocre I thought. Still, worth checking out.
Okiday. Easy to get annoyed quickly on the internet with all the stupidity about, so I apologise :P.
Are you serious? I jailbroke my device when I had an iTouch and still bought apps. It allowed me to have a calendar on my home screen, a pull-down widget full of toggles a la Android, folders of infinite size, completely custom button bindings and the option of menus attached to them. People do pirate, but it is far…
I've played it and I absolutely loved it to bits. I think you need to love having your head fucked with to enjoy it, it will frequently try and throw curveballs at you so you have to figure out how to proceed, and the joy of it is trying to work out what on earth is going on with cryptic clues or even nothing at all.…
The low amount of hours confirms even when I play a game, I don't play it for very long at all XD.
Yeah, I got the same thing, only Vince and Shel stayed.
Chris seems to be correct, him coming or not pretty much hinges entirely on a single dialogue option at the end, that's how it happened for me anyway.
I love Animal Crossing, but it's a bit of a moot point to say that when at its core is very similar to all previous entries (granted, it's possibly added the most since the franchise started, but that's not saying much).
I think we all agree on that, but every so often the flame of passion for Half-Life gets rekindled. The game is old, but the storytelling and the pacing has not aged a bit, and those are the things I love most about Half-Life 2. Also possibly the high-octane soundtrack, they could've done with even more of that.
Definitely a tie between HL3, and as people have mentioned, a new Metroid game on Wii U (whether that be side-scrolling or Prime style - I'd love either).
Last game I played was New Super Mario Bros. U :/. Still waiting for Pikmin 3...
Wii U games are too expensive to splash down on unless they're awesome, I'm not confident enough in Lego City Undercover.
Super Metroid on Wii U VC, I played that in bed most mornings until I finally finished it. And using the restore point function before big boss fights was a great way to save the walk from the last save point, which could've easily irritated me out of playing the original version.