
Oh wow, still need to play Rayman Origins but this looks awesome. I don't think Ubisoft did the Wii U any favours there, they looked like tiny additions just to please Nintendo. And the figurine thing is kinda weird, although the Rabbids getting involved was pretty cool XD.

Wow, if we take these statistics at face value it means that on average each DS owner bought roughly 4 games, but the average GameCube gamer bought roughly 10 games. Then again, there was a lot of piracy on the DS, so that may well have pushed the number down.

Totally ^_^

Oh really? I had no idea that system was already in place.

Agreed, as long as he doesn't get his way XD. Interesting discussion anyways :).

This sounds like an interesting step to take. Certainly better than the lacking efforts Sony and Microsoft have made with their own over-priced stores. And you would have a physical piece of artwork (presumably) to go with it. I'm thinking a slightly smaller version of the boxart on a card with the code on, just like

I don't think Valve would allow themselves to simply be an advertiser with no product. Where would the incentive be for them to do that?

That got passed!? Whut!? I have no idea how the US government system works, but last I heard Obama's advisers didn't want anything to do with it. I thought that at least had some bearing on whether it would get passed or not. Christ. Now Europe will be next with ACTA. Fun times.

My reading comprehension skills fail me. Back to primary school :P.

I honestly think shouting and aggressive behaviour in debate are unnecessary and weaken the person's argument. It's a way of trying to lend more weight to your argument through shear force of volume. His attempt to simply insult the argument and then not use any decently reasoned argument back is also trying to weaken

That's a gross exaggeration. I got a PC in 2008 for roughly £400. It performed at the highest graphical settings in all but the most recent games at the time (I think it ran Crysis on Medium/High - a mix of the two). Already this was better hardware than the 360 or PS3. In November I was getting hardware problems

This is clearly impressive, but I think there were a lot of post-processing effects involved, and cinematic camera angles. You could see in the first sequence that some textures weren't amazing. But the second sequence looked totally pre-rendered to me, which threw me off. Not sure how they achieved that XD. It sounds

I'm sorry, in that video Adam Sessler didn't beat Jack Thompson at all. If anything, he PROVED that games make you aggressive. Everyone is calmly discussing thigns and he just shouts his opinions over the top angrily. He uses bullying tactics to try and diminish Jack's argument and nothing more, no statistics or

*Sigh* That would be nice. To be honest, if I propose to someone, I won't do it in a restaurant or even in front of people. I hate that, it should be a private moment (well, I feel like I would want it to be a private moment). I think maybe a day out in a secluded park or something...

I know, the actors are just insanely good. There's still a ton of life left in them with whole flexible they've been so far. I only heard about it like a couple of months ago from Reddit (honestly, here in the UK, no-one watches it and I haven't heard a peep about it in the 2 years since it started showing), but I've

I'm using a Rockfire one from years ago, still works well for emulation but PC games don't tend to like it on the whole. It doesn't support rumble as well, so if that matters to you watch out for that ofc. Actually received a Wireless 360 to PC controller adapter this morning in the post, so I'll let you know how it


This reply may be late in the game, but I 100% agree with you. I have to admit that I dislike people who hold crap opinions for no reason. But this man has something to say, he has explanations and attitudes that explain the way he thinks. When he talks, I can see exactly what he means, even if I do enjoy a lot of

Nah, my girlfriend was up for the weekend and I've never even played Diablo. Think I would've tried had I been home alone, but nope. I just saw loads of jokes on Reddit about the hardest boss being the main menu and stuff like that, was it just awfully buggy?

Same except I got a GTX 560 Ti and only 4 Gigs of RAM. I'm very happy personally, runs everything I've thrown at it and so hoping it'll last a good few years :).