I agree, here here. I think by reading previews and a couple of trailers, they genuinely sound like they've created some very interesting plots for the cases, and the gathering evidence and chasing after suspects sounds like genius.
I agree, here here. I think by reading previews and a couple of trailers, they genuinely sound like they've created some very interesting plots for the cases, and the gathering evidence and chasing after suspects sounds like genius.
I will eat my hat if this game isn't considered a masterpiece, it certainly already looks a million times better than GTA 4.
Aye, time trialing was fun for a while, but the levels got overly complex if you ask me, I like shaving microseconds off a small run since you can continually do it in a small amount of time. If you bugger up a 15 minute time trial it can be quite annoying aha.
Nooooo :(. I want my Red Dwarf influence in Portal 3 hehe.
The one that Erik mentioned in his lecture? I agreed with the amount of laughing the crowd did, he sounds like an amazing sphere, like maybe more funny than Wheatley. Massive shame they didn't explore that character, let's hope they do it in the future. Although Valve are a little overprotective of the secrecy of…
Mm, I guess just any game that doesn't include massive shooting sections needs more content to carry it through. I mean most games pad out with huge, drawn-out firefights, whereas Mirror's Edge you burn through well-made environments so quickly it must be a pain in the ass to make. And then the fact it wasn't even…
'I've never watched Red Dwarf'
I checked the other day, and realised Mirror's Edge 2 had been cancelled in like February this year. Sadface. I was looking forward to it as well, so much potential, said the prototypes had been pretty disappointing though.
@IcoSotc: Well yes, in the last couple of years it's aged considerably since the CoD age has descended. At the time it was of course far more impressive, so it's a shame you experienced it so late. Not only that, high praise does tend to mean you expect more from a game. If you think about it, if someone simply gave…
@Walternate: You should start with bludgeoning yourself over the head. I joke, but seriously, Valve are my favourite developer by far.
@Raso719: Well yes, but I guess the difference is they're run by predominantly businessmen, and Valve are run by a hugely passionate nerd who has enough money to not give a shit. I think it's only expected that Activision and EA will make games in a different way.
I did a similar thing and made pressing both volume buttons open up Camera+ from the home screen, usefulness :). This sounds great though :D.
Agreed entirely, I think the inquests and everything are necessary just in case they didn't take enough precautions in the first place. But otherwise they were just unlucky victims and dealt with it in the way I would've in their position.
They pay £30 for the privilege don't they? People wouldn't pay £30 for one troll vote would they?
Lmao, well it's free DLC, so it's simply an extension of the game that's a bit late. Obviously it's not ideal and not a direct substitute for actually having a harder main story, but you have to appreciate that Valve tried to create a game with exactly the right difficulty to challenge but enable people to still solve…
@Kanji08: I can see his criticism, but I actually enjoyed what he sees as negatives. The themed section in the middle and the fighting between puzzles were some of the more interesting bits I felt, the environments tended to be beautiful and far more exciting than the inside of test chambers. Besides that, I thought…
I found the first extremely hard to play. Okay okay, I didn't get out the castle at the start, but the combat was naff, the graphics were naff, and the story didn't even begin to interest me. Besides, it sounds very 'hardcore'. I.e. eschews fun for realism and immersiveness.
The Oracle games, while the least talked about, were easily the pinnacle of portable Zelda. The next original title after that (excluding Four Swords), Minish Cap, was pretty good but was missing something. And despite full attempts to enjoy Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks they're just a different kettle of fish.…
Absolutely :(.
Oh okay, I would still claim some are more arrogant than others based on the fact I purposely try and keep my belief system open to other beliefs and philosophies in a bid to keep everything under consideration and he has stopped considering other things, but then again as he said that is arrogant XD.