
Truesay Mike, HL2 and BioShock hit the sweet spot (well, perhaps BioShock could've ended when the big twist happened, the rest felt unnecessary). The secret was in diversity, HL2 is pretty much the only FPS out there with enough variation in it to justify how long it is, I found myself getting bored of the mechanics

Why don't people just make mini-GC's? I.e. just compact it as much as possible. A more portable version of a console like the GameCube that I could plug into the TV would make it way more useful. Take it a step further and put a couple of retro consoles into one like the PS2 as well.

And what is it you love doing?

This really frustrates me, because people do it all the time. Sunk costs are sunk, you don't stand to benefit by pretending you're getting 'value for money' as some people call it. It's like using something you don't really want to use just because you paid for it. Gah, good on them for pointing it out though.

I'm a student in a room by myself and I don't have candles. Not exactly going to happen XD. Nice idea though. I would tend to agree more with turn off all electrics EXCEPT for lights.

Thank you :)

Perfect, thank you very much :D. (Or would you rather I demanded more so you know what to do next?) :P.

Thanks a bunch :), I took a look at the other solutions and quickly decided they were too complicated just to configure some buttons aha.

You know what? Choice and story. That's what makes a game like Deus Ex. The amount of choice has been demonstrated here, and hopefully it'll be consistent in the final game. Story? We shall see. But seriously, people are nitpicking like crazy.

Yay, OK Go! They've done lots of good videos like the famous treadmill one to Here It Goes Again and a massive rube goldberg machine to another song. YouTube it ;).

I KNOW RIGHT. I just jizzed in my pants...

Darn it, I have play/pause, fast forward and rewind buttons on my keyboard already, but they only work when you're in the program, which is fairly useless. How do I use a script or something to assign them properly to iTunes?

Dragon Age II was rushed, that's what this article was about. The logo says Rush, therefore they are related. Kotaku put in a lot of unrelated pictures, but that's not one of them, the link is clear.

However, Valve works on its own team's rules and makes its own deadlines. There's no monetary pressure, time pressure or anything, they simply make a game they love and they think we will genuinely love. Making them the ultimate exception to the rule, although I suppose you could argue there is less shared vision in a

Oh, I used the DX11 renderer in DX10 mode on High I think, that's sort of what I meant but took a shortcut.

Okay, I played the demo and it was crap, technically and content-wise, there was very little of interest and the DX10 renderer made my computer chug like crazy even though the graphics weren't exactly amazing :S. But those who are hating like crazy on BioWare should go look at the reviews. I read a comment below that

Only software I've heard of that does that is Orb, but I think there are a few others out there. Used to use it to get music on my Wii via the web browser, it works quite well.

Ahkay, it's checked but I only downloaded v3 this morning, so I assume nothing has come through yet from someone on my contact list. Thanks for letting me know anyway.

'Kiddy games' are just innocent pleasures unsaddled with more complicated things you want to leave behind when you play some games :). Been playing White, and while I suppose hearing the same tutorials for the umpteenth time and the same stupid trainer advice while finding out that the new Pokemon are noticeably

@Kev Clarke: It takes some fiddling after you've jailbroken to get exactly what you want, but that's because there is absolutely tons and tons of choice on Cydia (the jailbreak tweak store). The simple fact is that the amount of Apple fanatics and people working on stuff is mindblowing, there is a fix for nigh on