
@Paul_Is_Drunk: I think it's a bit of both. When I play games for a long of time, I find it harder to interact socially. If I stop playing them for a few days to a week I feel much more able to interact.

@Sean_actually: Yes, I suppose hoarding is a bad idea. It also artificially increases the value of stuff to you for no other reason than you need to own it. For example, on Steam I love buying discounted games because I can add to a permanent list that I should never lose and I can access anywhere. Some of those games

'Interesting, definitely zany to watch, but take this with a smile and a wink.'

@MrMrScott: I've never played a lot of point-and-click games. And as a child I never played any really. But in the last couple of years I've played Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword, Machinarium, Hotel Dusk and Zack & Wiki, and I enjoyed all of them immensely. That said, I didn't really enjoy any of the Monkey Island

I don't understand. You can just press '+' in Simplenote, and then think about tagging it later. I've even gone so far as to use jailbreaking app 'Activator' to assign holding down the home button to the Simplenote app, makes life easier :).

I'd say open-world RPGs and epics absolutely need you to listen to their soundtrack, I would hesitate to drown out their sound simply because they are part of the atmosphere that the world is trying to create.

Am I freak? I still love the way Safari does tabs, and it's way easier to use than this alternative everyone prefers. Except I like the idea of a new browser.

@kaznasty: Not quality, but support. Microsoft are notorious for seeing something is doing badly and then acting like it never existed.

I think games like this are just trolling real developers XD. Any need to make an extremely complicated engine, heart-rending story and fill it with explosive action when we can just mix colours :D.

@redman042: Agreed, I have 130 apps, and it totally froze iTunes the other day just scrolling down the list. Absolute joke.

Jeez, totally useless. When do us 18-year-old males get an article just for our enjoyment?

@Red_Flag: I do agree. I certainly don't condone what he has done, but why seize his house? Perhaps he had that little money. In which case, just take everything else, I would've thought that was punishment enough.

Amazingly I got a 100% success rate, apart from times when it picked nothing up because I was faffing the microphone XD. It even got complicated stuff such as spotify or demonoid to my glee :D.


Brilliant, thought it should be said that technically the debate people are having is, 'Can games be taken seriously and do they question our values and/or stir important emotions up in us in a stimulating enough way?'

@Shinkirou: Agreed, that's as pretentious and stupid as it gets. Art at that point is just 'what can we actually qualify as art?' rather than 'how can we do something useful or interesting?'.

@Metalive: Haha, I can't say I hate it, but while I find it funny it's too repetitive and shallow aha, if I was to spend a lot of time watching something it would need more to it. But yes, the endless quoting does irritate me, it feels like people like it just because it's popular.

Agreed, I hate how weak and delayed the jump is as well. I love bosses in games like Zelda, but they usually involve some ingenious contraption discovered in the dungeon, and the game breaks up the pace and builds up to them. A game full of bosses just doesn't feel right, and as epic as they were it was easy to get

Basically, I just use Inifinifolders and keep everything on one screen, simples.

@Metatron: Truesay, it's impossible to not be a hypocrite anyway, we all are in some way. Though obviously the less you are, the better.