BIMming It

Ended is a bit strong, I think ‘concluded the portion of the story they intended to cover at this time’ is closer to accurate...

Dark Crystal absolutely shouldn’t have been cancelled... it was phenomenal.

This list isn’t complete without the coolest thing you can do with tape:  create graphene!

Thank you for making it clear that it’s pointless to try to speak with you, as we don’t share the same language. What do you think subjective means, or more specifically what about the storytelling tactic is objectively and inherently ‘good’?

Bad storytelling is a subjective opinion... why can’t they believe this is bad storytelling, and you believe it’s good?

Yeah, this would leave me supremely disappointed... and I’ve never bought the ‘it’s always scarier if you can’t see it’ mentality.  It works in some cases, but if you can just burn it off-screen then it probably wasn’t that scary to begin with.

Bunch of errors in this article”

If there were nationwide protests, maybe.”

Here’s the dirty little (open) secret about the Supreme Court... they have no credibility as a legal institution, because they are a political institution at heart.

How many times do we have remind people racism is taught?”

No, you’re stupid! /s

They absolutely should be, otherwise we end up with a fucking circus and having SOME states carry massive amounts of influence over who other states are even going to get to pick from.

Religion has been an integral part of most cultures for thousands of years... so, I’d assumed it’s just habit at this point.

Technically we observe the lensing, not that it changes the fact that we’re looking at a black hole.

Honestly, this would be a massive relief if true.

You had a lot more faith in the knowledge of the general population than I, lol.  We’re a nation of believers, not observers.

Thanks, I hate it.

I assume this means that all those terms will become interchangeable and ‘correct’ at some point in the near future... which makes sense, because it certainly FEELS like words and truth are losing all meaning.

They love to roll out these ‘words or phrases that people have misused commonly enough that the world relents and just changes what’s right to whatever is being said’ every few months it seems.

That’s about the response I expected... smh