“In almost all respects, HOAs are a form of govt”
“In almost all respects, HOAs are a form of govt”
Not to mention the fact that Rogan has been doing this shit since long before he joined Spotify... so are they saying that when they scout talent, they specifically look for people who don’t represent their values?
How the fuck is DARE still a thing in 2022? We’ve known it’s a joke since at least the early 90's... why are we wasting taxpayer money on educating pre-teens on what drugs are available to them?
So we’re just going to pretend that an HOA is similar to a nation, or that governments (including in the U S of A) aren’t still regularly pursuing and implementing racist policies?
lmao, I don’t know but I enjoy your explanation of it.
Agreed, they have charged money for services I never had interest in using... like public pools or extravagant and wasteful landscaping (along with the mountains of water to keep them green in this Southern California hellscape).
So your response to ‘HOA’s have been historically ran by white people trying to keep minorities out of their neighborhoods’ was “I don’t care what color they are, I just want to be able to dictate what happens on their property”.
I’ve always assumed the his wife’s family is holding him hostage in some capacity... there’s not way the GOP was going to put a black man on the bench without some insurance.
Fascists be like that.
“There’s probably another discussion to be had about expecting too much out of celebrities in general”
“People just...say things.”
He was saying it to let black people know that they can’t tell him what to do, so ‘to be racist’ is the correct answer.
If the last comment you’ve publicly made about the trans community was a pejorative from 20 years ago, why would people assume anything other than contempt from you on the topic? lol
At least this Supreme Court isn’t bothering itself with trying to appear non-partisan or unbiased. When are we going to openly admit that the Supreme Court is no longer able to fulfill it’s obligations, and is fundamentally broken beyond repair? Hell, they don’t even justify their decisions! lmao
Joe Manchin is not going to provide any tangible benefits to people making less than $150k/yr. We would do well to stop pursuing it until we are in a position to actually pass that kind of legislation, or until we find someone willing to pay Joe significantly more than he’s already being paid (as well as paying him…
“weird/hot/alien attractiveness”
I think it just highlights that the investment class doesn’t actually understand the things they invest in, they just throw money at shit and wait for the system to ensure they never actually lose.
It’s a bit of a stew, but here’s my interpretation:
Ha! I remember watching my grandfather do this back in the 80's, when he still owned his Beetle-focus shop. Why do it? Because!
Capitalism isn’t a monolith... there are many ways to approach a capitalist market that don’t immediately lead to corporations owning everything and dictating who’s in power.