BIMming It

“some critics come off as overly nitpicky”

Give the mantle to Winston Duke and forget about her.”

Can you have two overlapping defences like this?”

I’ve never had much issue separating the religious aspects of Christmas or Easter from the secular seasonal celebrations, mostly because Christianity doesn’t contain anything about the specific traditions we uphold. I don’t recall ever seeing Santa or Rudolph in the bible, don’t recall Saint Nick bringing presents to

He’s a grifter, and we’re in the grifters renaissance... if he thinks he can screw more people out of more money pretending to be a statesman than he does pretending to be a doctor, he’s going to do it.

Can this country just fucking collapse already? Please?”

Blizzard doesn’t own half the world... that’s the difference.

We have more to do, and we believe that direct dialogue between management and employees is essential to the success of Activision Blizzard.”

Agreed that it’s a low percentage mistake to make, and will just point out that this is one of the less frequent ways that police wrongfully endanger or kill civilians with their weapons.

This is a really good explanation of why cops (see also: people generally) cannot be trusted to make good judgements under duress while wielding deadly force.

Honestly, I don’t see how else this can end. A theocratic Supreme Court allied with the Republican party isn’t going to stop this, so Democratic states are going to respond in kind... just targeting different rights. So, expect California or New York to issue a ban on gun sales, and allow citizens to sue anyone trying

It’s a “tough topic” because no one wants to have a reasonable conversation.”

I remember a similar feeling... that the gameplay was secondary to the story, and by a significant margin.

Is this available through gamepass for the PC?  If not, what the fuck?  Why make this high fidelity demo and not allow us to run it on modern GPU’s?

Fair enough, and I’m not in the business of making subjective decisions for other people. I think I’m just at a point where I don’t believe anyone reporting the news for any network or cable news station is credible enough to defend... it’s a business, and the pursuit of attention and money is corrupting everything.

Dude lost all credibility years ago. I can understand that credibility isn’t exactly a critical or even desirable trait in a journalist/anchor for everyone these days, but my opinion is that he’s entirely untrustworthy and should have been fired.

Fourteen cops participated in the texts, including current and former officers from Torrance and one from Snoop’s hood in Long Beach”

And this highlights another major problem with American politics: People want to vote for candidates they personally like, or find to be personally interesting/desirable/pleasing, rather than voting based on competency.

Not to mention it was a fucking straw-man to imply that people are blaming the election on Sarandon in the first place... they are holding her accountable for her shitty opinions.

Obligatory, even though I have no idea if anyone else in the world watched this back in the day: