BIMming It

I don’t think anyone is saying it wasn’t “ok” for him to go... he was certainly allowed to go. The argument is that he went with intent to be violent, because he had someone else buy him an AR-15 in preparation, made previous comments about wanting to shoot looters, and took that weapon (that he couldn’t buy for

He feels trials are too easy to manipulate, especially by the prosecution.”

This isn’t a case of a biased judge. It is a case of a highly experienced prosecutor deliberately sabotaging his own case.”

If it wasn’t clear before, the Judge’s ringtone made it abundantly clear that the fix is in on this one. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t declare a mistrial just to make sure this is all buried quickly and he can blame the prosecution... which will only serve to chip away at the small amount of faith in the Justice

Gotcha!  Yeah, trapping the moisture after you’re done cooking sounds like a bad idea.

I only put foil on the bird AFTER the skin has become very crisp, to prevent it from burning... do most people put it on at the start?

I think it bothers me that it falls on the team because the decision was a personal one, and it unnecessarily shields the offending party. Unless the team was aware that he was lying and never corrected the record, in which case both the team and the player should be looking at similar punishment.

Fair enough about what they can do, but that doesn’t mean they escape my ire for agreeing to this shit (or the NFLPA, or the players, or the fans).

Considering all the violations they ignored, I’m not sure that’s true.

If anyone thinks the racist ass NFL is going to actually hold their current ‘chosen (white) one’ accountable, you’re not paying attention.  As long as he’s ‘the best quarterback in the league’, the league will not fuck with him more than they are obligated to.

Looks like someone learned the phrase ‘grasping at straws’ recently, and really liked it.  The fact that she doesn’t understand the context of the phrase, or that Aaron has been handing out straws to people willingly, just makes it that much more enjoyable.

It’s just the most joyless, preening, needy thing, and I hate it.”

Her: “Come over, he’s leaving!”

Yup, and of course that approach has been championed for decades by the very same companies that are producing fraudulent test results... like they always have.

Rodgers was just “sharing his point of view” and is now being “crucified for it.””

I’m just glad he at least had the self awareness to make himself and his band of merry supremacists part of AoT where the children are literally fighting to uphold a fascist dictatorship.  It fits, thematically, even if I think the quality is so bad that someone should be incarcerated for it.

This seems like the ideal outcome for all of these seditionists... forfeit your assets and self-deport to some dictatorship where you will almost certainly be murdered for being American!

As someone who has to work with UC alumni all the damn time, I’ll just say that the only thing a UC education guarantees is that you’re paying top dollar.

And this is why I don’t eat or drink anything; no food, medicine, water, nothing.  I refuse to take the risk until we’ve got at least 3,000 years of dedicated research that says it’s 100% safe, all the time, with no side-effects.

While all of it was infuriating, the MLK self-comparison was waaaaaaaaaay out of line.  If you’re white, don’t compare yourself to MLK... no exceptions.  You’re just going to demonstrate how fucking detached from reality you are.